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The fine and distillation affair, however, will save us a good deal of trouble, and of course I am very glad you declined to have anything to do with the support of his petition. The fellow is nothing else than shuffler, as I told you. Vote or not, therefore, out of Ahadarra he goes; and, when he does, I have a good tenant to put in his place."

I've given you a whole night to study up the law." "Law! what law?" exclaimed the old man, interrupting him, "I don't know that I broken" "Come, come, old shuffler, none of your blarney, if you please," broke in the fellow; "you know well enough what law I mean. I mean the dog-law." "Dog-law! dog-law!" answered the old man, "what law is that?"

He had armed himself for this occasion with an arsenal of quotations from Audley's speeches, taken out of Hansard's Debates; and, garbling these texts in the unfairest and most ingenious manner, he contrived to split consistency into such fragments of inconsistency to cut so many harmless sentences into such unpopular, arbitrary, tyrannical segments of doctrine that he made a very pretty case against the enlightened and incorruptible Egerton, as shuffler and trimmer, defender of jobs, and eulogist of Manchester massacres, etc.

"Yes, sir," cried Marcus, forcing him a little more back, and fixing him with his eyes, "what are you doing here?" "Well, I er I I'm here to take you back." "You old shuffler!" cried Marcus, in a rage. "I can see through you. My father's orders, indeed! What were his orders to you, sir? Weren't they to stop and take care of his house and belongings, and of me?"

Shuffler was affable enough to me, as usual, in despite of Lady Dasher having such a bad opinion of his manners; but, he could give me no information such as I wanted to hear. Everybody, really, appeared to be as cautious as "Non mi recordo" was on Queen Caroline's trial. Nobody had heard of anybody coming to our neighbourhood. Nobody had seen any strange faces about. Nobody knew anything!

You and your wife must have let your brains run wool-gathering, and made the story up between you!" "No, sir," he replied, "it's as true as you are a standin' there. We've no call to tell a lie about the matter, sir," and he drew himself up with native dignity. "And you have really heard it for a fact, Shuffler?" "I 'ave so, sir; and I could tell you, too, the party as he is agoin' to join!"