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She had well-formed eyebrows which, had her portrait been painted, would probably have been done in Prout's or Vandyke brown. There was nothing remarkable in her dress just now, beyond a natural fitness and a style that was recent for the streets of Sherton. But, indeed, had it been the reverse, and quite striking, it would have meant just as little.

After the loneliness of the night, she would have been glad to see him; but appreciating his feeling when she read the writing, she made no attempt to recall him. She found abundance of provisions laid in, his plan being to replenish his buttery weekly, and this being the day after the victualling van had called from Sherton.

Melbury, sir, as a man's that put by money, why not retire and live here, and see something of the world?" The responses at last given by him to their queries guided them to the building that offered the best accommodation in Sherton having been enlarged contemporaneously with the construction of the railway namely, the Earl of Wessex Hotel.

In this county there was a seat of yours at Kingsbere, and another at Sherton, and another in Millpond, and another at Lullstead, and another at Wellbridge." "And shall we ever come into our own again?" "Ah that I can't tell!" "And what had I better do about it, sir?" asked Durbeyfield, after a pause.

"No; but he put a London newspaper, giving an account of it, on the hall table, folded in such a way that we should see it. It will be in the Sherton paper this week, no doubt. To make the event more solemn still to him, he had just before had sharp words with her, and left her. He told Lucy this, as nothing about him appears in the newspaper.

The woman herself was a shadowy, conjectural creature who had little to do with the outlines presented to Sherton eyes; a shape in the gloom, whose true description could only be approximated by putting together a movement now and a glance then, in that patient and long-continued attentiveness which nothing but watchful loving-kindness ever troubles to give.

A weak voice inside answered in the negative; adding, "I should be all right by to-morrow if it were not for the tree!" "The tree again always the tree! Oh, father, don't worry so about that. You know it can do you no harm." "Who have ye had talking to ye down-stairs?" "A Sherton man called nothing to trouble about," she said, soothingly. "Father," she went on, "can Mrs.

Now, Giles, as you are going to Sherton market to-day with your apple-trees, why not join me and Grace there, and we'll drive home all together?" He made the proposal with cheerful energy; he was hardly the same man as the man of the small dark hours.

There, that piece of parchment represents houses in Sherton Abbas." "Yes, but " She hesitated, looked at the fire, and went on in a low voice: "If what has been arranged about me should come to anything, my sphere will be quite a middling one." "Your sphere ought not to be middling," he exclaimed, not in passion, but in earnest conviction.

Arrived here, the dairyman pulled up and looked around. It was a spot at which the highway forked; the left arm, the more important, led on through Sherton Abbas and Melchester to London; the right to Idmouth and the coast. Nothing was visible on the white track to London; but on the other there appeared the back of a carriage, which rapidly ascended a distant hill and vanished under the trees.