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Flittermouse in a rage went straight to the constable and denounced his patron as a sheep-stealer. He, Flittermouse, had been his servant and helper, and on the very last occasion of stealing a sheep he had got rid of the skin and offal by throwing them down an old disused well at the top of the village street.

I could name half a dozen localities, even sections of country, that travelers visit with curiosity just because authors have thrown that glamour over them. But it is hard to create something out of nothing. It needs time." "And genius," Miss McDonald interjected. "Of course, but it took time to transform a Highland sheep-stealer into a romantic personage." Miss McDonald laughed. "That is true.

It was not sealed, and he took out the plain sheet of notepaper on which was written: CABLEGRAM WlNKELRIED, VIENNA. Not later than Friday. Claiborne read and re-read these eight words; then he spoke bluntly to Oscar. "Where did you get this?" "From the hat of the sheep-stealer up yonder." "Who is he and where did he get it?" "I don't know, sir. He was of Servia, and they are an ugly race yes?"

This I met with the obvious retort that those were the nights which a commonplace sheep-stealer would naturally choose for his work. On one occasion a gap had been made in a wall, and some of the stones scattered for a considerable distance. Human agency again, in my opinion.

Thus the conventional mind brands the artistic temperament as immoral. But morality is not absolute, it is conventional and relative: we do not, as once, punish the sheep-stealer with the gallows nor the heretic with red-hot irons, for our standards have changed with the years. So also do they vary with our locality: what is right in this place is wrong over the border.

Lambert had taken, was admitted as evidence the good citizens of Canterbury being in want of a little excitement, that interesting individual performed a dance upon nothing, in company with a sheep-stealer and a forger, for their especial behoof, one fine day in September, under the personal superintendence of that accomplished artist, Mr.

He was known to be a sheep-stealer, and actually after bringing home a hundred pounds would go and put his neck in danger the very same night by taking a sheep. This went on for some time, people shut their eyes, but at last patience was exhausted, and efforts were made to catch him in the act, without success.

A sheep-stealer of the old bloody days liked that sentence should be passed upon him by a Chief Justice; and in our own time murderers awaiting execution, sometimes grumble at the unfairness of their trials, because they have been tried by judges of inferior degree.

The blood rushed to Ramses' head. Then Musawasa was here and escaped? "Hei! whoso has the best horse, follow me!" "Well," said Patrokles, laughing, "that sheep-stealer himself will bleat now!" Pentuer stopped the way to the prince. "It is not for thee to hunt fugitives, worthiness." "What?" cried the heir.

When this was done, and the man had gone his way, the night was found to be so far advanced that it was deemed useless to renew the search before the next morning. Next day, accordingly, the quest for the clever sheep-stealer became general and keen, to all appearance at least.