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After he had made good his escape from the battlefield of Omdurman, Abdullah had hurried in the direction of El Obeid, moving by the wells of Shat and Zeregia, which at that season of the year were full of water after the rains. At Abu Sherai, having shaken off the pursuit of the friendlies, he halted, encamped, and busily set to work to reorganise his shattered forces.

I am determined upon this match, and have him you shall, d n me if shat unt. D n me if shat unt, though dost hang thyself the next morning."

"Well," said Langmaid, "I advise you to go easy, all along the line." "Oh, I'll go easy enough," Mr. Plimpton assented, smiling. "Do you remember how I pulled off old Senator Matthews when everybody swore he was dead set on voting for an investigation in the matter of those coal lands Mr. Parr got hold of in his state?" "Matthews isn't Hodder, by a long shat," said Langmaid.

"Well," said Langmaid, "I advise you to go easy, all along the line." "Oh, I'll go easy enough," Mr. Plimpton assented, smiling. "Do you remember how I pulled off old Senator Matthews when everybody swore he was dead set on voting for an investigation in the matter of those coal lands Mr. Parr got hold of in his state?" "Matthews isn't Hodder, by a long shat," said Langmaid.

Come along, Sophy; be a good girl, and all shall be well. Shat ha' un, d n me, shat ha' un!" Mrs Honour appeared below-stairs, and with a low curtesy to the squire offered to attend her mistress; but he pushed her away, saying, "Hold, madam, hold, you come no more near my house." "And will you take my maid away from me?" said Sophia.

Ile thanke the rest if they withdraw: oh! Un. Wee'le to my chamber, captaine. Cap. You have a mind to examine the business privatly? Do. No, good Captaine, you may be present. Cou. Come, Thomas, thou shat be witnes, too. La. They are gone; they feigne most artificially, Let me embrace you. Fra. Oh, take heed. La. What's the matter? Fra.

Differences of opinion were frequent, though all the officers were agreed in taking the darkest views of their chances. The miserable host toiled slowly onward towards its destruction, marching in a south-westerly direction through Shat and Rahad. He was paraded in triumph as an English officer.

He did not attempt to speak to Molly after dinner, or when they met again at a ball that same night. All her burning wish to snub him could not be gratified. He seemed not to know shat she was still in the room. But she knew instinctively that he watched her, and she was not sorry he should see her in the crowd, and be witness, however unwillingly, to her position in the world he knew so well.

She was dressed to please her own fancy, evidently, with small regard to the modes declared correct by the Rockland milliners and mantua-makers. Her heavy black hair lay in a braided coil, with a long gold pin shat through it like a javelin. Round her neck was a golden torque, a round, cord-like chain, such as the Gaols used to wear; the "Dying Gladiator" has it.

Beni Shefra, a market-place of the tribe so called, formerly united with the Asabelys, but formed by the Wahaby chief into a distinct tribe. Shat Ibn Aryf. Sedouan: this place and Shat Ibn Aryf are inhabited by Arabs of the tribe called Ahl Aryef. El Matsa. Ibn Maan, which with El Matsa belong to the Ibn Katlan Arabs. Ibl, in the territory of the powerful tribe of Asyr.