United States or Liberia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Who that stockholder was we did not know until that day of the meeting at our office. Then Captain Warren told us." "But he did not know, either?" "Not until then. He supposed his Akrae stock worthless, and had practically forgotten it. When we told him of its value, of the note, and of the missing shareholder, he knew, of course." "What did he say?" "Say?

One, signing herself "Lady Shareholder," had her alarming experience in her daily-paper upon the following morning. At his station George leapt for the platform a full minute before the train had stopped.

If the directors now decide to capitalise that £1,000,000 of reserve fund, the only effect is that each shareholder will be given one new share for every three which he holds in the existing capital, the reserve fund will be wiped out, and the ordinary capital will be increased from £3,000,000 to £4,000,000.

He, whether amongst the plundered, or, as is more probable, a considerable shareholder in the joint-stock privateers from Tenedos, &c., is safe both from further funding and refunding. We are not. And the first question of moment to any future tourist is, what may be the present value, at a British insurance office, of any given life risked upon a tour in Greece?

It would be most useful to the state to increase the number of tenants-in-fee to re-create the ancient FREEMEN, the LIBERI HOMINES and I think it can be done without requiring the aid either of a new principle or new machinery, by simply placing the farmer-in-possession on the same footing as the railway shareholder. I give at foot the draft of a bill I prepared in 1866 for this object.

As for the railway, whereas prior to John Harley's introduction as shareholder and director it could get no consideration in the way of freights from those giant corporations which have to do with beef and sugar and oil it being both slow and crooked as a railroad thereafter it was given all it could haul at rates even with the best, and its prosperity became such that fifty-five points were added to the quoted value of its stock.

He thus became a great railway carrier, collecting and delivering goods in all the cities and towns served by the railways which had by that time become established. He also became a large shareholder in railways. His status in the South-Eastern line was so great, that he was invited to become chairman of the company.

Touris, the Scots adventurer for fortune, set up as merchant-trader in London, making his fortune by "interloping" voyages to India, but now shareholder and part and lot of the East India Company "undoubtedly the place has possibilities." He warmed his hands.

Francis asked. "Well, he is a large shareholder in the Company," Trent said. "Of course he could upset us all if he liked. I should say that Da Souza would try all he could to keep him in the background until he had disposed of his shares." "And how does your stock hold?" "I don't know," Trent said. "I only landed yesterday.

Fritz is giving me the money we squandered at Strasbourg five times over! He is putting a million francs in a banking house, M. Graff the tailor is adding another five hundred thousand francs, and Mlle. Emilie's father not only allows me to incorporate her portion two hundred and fifty thousand francs with the capital, but he himself will be a shareholder with as much again.