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The Fountain of Hercules, laxative and tartaric, had proved its efficacy in cases of enlarged spleen, hare-lip, vertigo, apoplexy, cachexia, cacodoria, cacochymia senilis and chilblains. It was also considered to be a sovereign remedy for that distressing and almost universal complaint, the piles.

A plant twenty-five years old is very small, and, from its slowness of growth, as well as from the reports of the inhabitants of Mexico, where this species is found wild, there is reason to believe that a stem 20 ft. high would be several hundred years old. The flowers of P. senilis are not known in English collections, the plant being grown only for its shaggy hairiness.

Several old ladies forthwith proclaimed their intention of following him; but, as one or two of them were deaf, and another had been threatened with an attack of that mild, but obstinate complaint, dementia senilis, many thought it was not so much the force of his arguments as a kind of tendency to jump as the bellwether jumps, well known in flocks not included in the Christian fold.

Do they really think those little thin legs can do anything in such a slashing sweepstakes as is coming off in these next forty years? Oh, this terrible gift of second-sight that comes to some of us when we begin to look through the silvered rings of the arcus senilis! Ten years gone. First turn in the race. A few broken down; two or three bolted. Several show in advance of the ruck.

Several old ladies forthwith proclaimed their intention of following him; but, as one or two of them were deaf, and another had been threatened with an attack of that mild, but obstinate complaint, dementia senilis, many thought it was not so much the force of his arguments as a kind of tendency to jump as the bellwether jumps, well known in flocks not included in the Christian fold.

Three years ago I met Giessler at the meeting of the British Association, and, though he denied it, he was palpably aging. His shoulders were bent, his hearing and eye-sight failing, and the area senilis was very strongly marked, while I am what you see. I have, however, had an advantage over the professor, which it is only fair to mention.

Old men console themselves by making out that if there is nothing now, there was something in the forties or the sixties; that's the old: you and I are young; our brains have not yet been touched by marasmus senilis; we cannot comfort ourselves with such illusions. The beginning of Russia was in 862, but the beginning of civilized Russia has not come yet."

I observed, however, during our single interview, that his reflexes were feeble, his arcus senilis well marked, and his arteries atheromatous all signs that his constitution was in an unsatisfactory condition, and that a sudden crisis might be apprehended. Having thrown this side-light upon my narrative, I can now resume the statement of my own personal experiences.

When asked to remain ruler of Russia he proceeds to curse his councilors and accuses them of loading him with burdens that they themselves would not endeavor to bear. He is a victim of amor senilis, and right here if Mansfield took one step more his realism would be appalling, but he stops in time and suggests what he dares not express.

One of the most striking plants in this order is the "Old Man Cactus," botanically known as Pilocereus senilis, which is the only member of this genus that has become at all known in English gardens. The limits of the genus Pilocereus are not definitely fixed, different botanists holding different views with respect to the generic characters. Recent writers, and among them the late Mr.