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Thus Chick learned that, as soon as he got well, he and MacPherson were to seek the doctor, and help him to get away with the secrets he had found, the truths behind the mystery of the Spot. "An' 'tis a glorious fight there'll be, lad. Th' Senestro's a game wan; he'll not give up, an' he'll not let go th' doctor till he has to." This was not unwelcome news to Chick. A battle was to his liking.

There was something deeper than mere fatalism; behind all was the fact- rooted faith of a civilisation. But at that moment, as Chick paused with one foot on the bottom step of the flight, something happened that sent quivers of joy and confidence all through him. Someone was talking talking in English! Chick looked. The speaker was a man in the blue garb of the Senestro's guard.

Had she referred to Holcomb and MacPherson? Two had gone through the Blind Spot, and two had come out the Rhamda Avec and the Nervina. "Now there are two," she had said. "Tell me a little more about Holcomb, Pat!" "'Tis a short story. Oi can't tell ye much, owin' to orders from the old gent hisself. He came shortly after th' death of the first Bar, Senestro's brother.

They are, my lord, the true believers, the believers in the Day." The Day! Instantly Watson recalled Senestro's use of the expression. He sensed a valuable clue. He caught and held the soldier's eye. "Tell me," commanded Chick. "What is this Day of which you speak!" The soldier replied unhesitatingly: "It is the Day of Life, my lord.

I have given you a fair chance!" He raised his dagger-like weapon, as though aiming it. At the same instant Chick pulled the trigger from the hip, snap aim. The gun was empty. Another second, and Watson would have been like those spots of colour on the ground outside. He breathed a prayer to his Maker. The Senestro's weapon was in line with his throat. But it was not to be.

"'Verily, says he, most solemnly, 'thou art of th' royal Bars! An' he made me a high officer, he did." "Was he the Bar Senestro?" asked Watson. "Nay; 'twas a far better man Senestro's brother, that died not long after. When Oi saw th' Senestro, Oi had sinse enough to kape me mouth shut. An' now Oi'm a high Bar next to th' Senestro hisself!

Yer the finest laddie that ever got beyond the old Witch of Endor. You and me, if we hold on, is just about goin' to play hell with the haythen. Hold on and fight like the divil! Remember that Pat is with ye! "We're both spooks. Said Watson: "Who gave you this? Did you see the man?" "It was sent up my lord. The man was a high Bar in the Senestro's guard." Watson could not understand this.