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All hard cases, they is." "If yeer Onher plases, might a woman o' my standin' say a woord in her own difince? Sure its only a woord, Judge, an beein a dacent gintleman ye'd not refuse me the likes." "Silence, there!" ejaculates Mr. Seargent Stubbs; "you must keep quiet in court." "Faith its not the likes o' you'd keep me aisy, Mr. Stubbs. Do yee see that now?" returns the woman, menacingly.

As Seargent Prentiss had done he migrated beyond the Alleghanies before he came of age, settling in Illinois as Prentiss had settled in Mississippi, to grow into a typical Westerner as Prentiss into a typical Southerner. There was never a more absurd theory than that, begot of sectional aims and the sectional spirit, which proposed a geographic alignment of Cavalier and Puritan.

He survived. Then on to Paris and duchesses and princesses galore. Here he became a proverb of popularity as "Le petit Litz" the French inevitably gave some twist to a foreign name, then as to-day, when two of their favourite painters are "Wisthler" and "Seargent."

It is to her the last struggle of an eventful life, and she is resolved to meet it with womanly fortitude. The Judge takes his seat, looks very grave, and condescends to say there is a big docket to be disposed of this morning. "Crime seems to increase in the city," he says, bowing to Mr. Seargent Stubbs. "If your Honor will look at that," Mr. Stubbs says, smiling, "most on em's bin up afore.

A dozen or more delinquent negroes, for being out after hours without passes, are sentenced thirty stripes apiece, and removed, to the evident delight of the Court, who is resolved that the majesty of the law shall be maintained. It is Maria's turn now. Pale and trembling she approaches the circular railing, assisted by Mr. Seargent Stubbs.

Donahue, complimenting his Honor's high character, "fir a divil o' ten dollars have I." And Mrs. Donahue resigns herself to the tender mercies of Mr. Seargent Stubbs, who removes her out of court.

"I 'spose it's because grammar can't hit back. That's the kind he always picks on," answered Abe. "You'll pay for this," shouted Alspaugh, striding off after the Seargent of the Guard. At that moment a little drummer appeared by the flagstaff, and beat a lively rataplan. "That's for dress-parade," said Kent Edwards, rising. "We'd better skip right over to quarters and fall in."

The Judge, looking grave, and casting his eye learnedly over the pages of a ponderous statute book, inquires of Mr. Seargent Stubbs what the charge is. "Disturbed the hole neighborhood. A fight atween the Donahues, yer Honor." "Dorn't believe a woord of it, yeer Onher. Sure, din't Donahue black the eye o' me, and sphil the whisky too? Bad luck to Donahue, says I. You don't say that to me, says he.

As Seargent Prentiss had done he migrated beyond the Alleghanies before he came of age, settling in Illinois as Prentiss had settled in Mississippi, to grow into a typical Westerner as Prentiss into a typical Southerner. There was never a more absurd theory than that, begot of sectional aims and the sectional spirit, which proposed a geographic alignment of Cavalier and Puritan.

Hereupon Captaine Vasseur inquired whether the Kings Onetheaqua and Houstaqua were like vnto vs. Then my Lieutenant Vasseur, and my Seargent promised him that one day I should march with my forces into those Countreys, and that ioyning my selfe with his Lord Olata, I would subdue the inhabitants of the highest of those mountaines.