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"But I hate this dahk room," wailed the Little Colonel, "and it's so poky and tiahsome, and I am so hot and I ache all ovah " Then Betty heard Mrs. Sherman go into the room, and the fretting ceased as her cool hand stroked the hot little forehead, and her voice began a slumber song. It was the "White Seal's Lullaby."

Throckmorton, a giant man with an immense golden beard, issued again from the cabin, and the Privy Seal's voice came leisurely and cold: 'What said Lord Cassilis of this? And the fellow Knighton? I saw them at the stairs. Privy Seal had such eyes that it was delicate work lying to him. But Throckmorton brought out heavily: 'Cassilis, that this Lady Anne should never be Queen.

He has a very fine fur overcoat, with an admirable lining of fat, which, as well as being warm, permits any amount of harmless falling and tumbling about, such as is suitable to and inevitable with the seal's want of shape. He can enjoy the sound of bagpipes, which is a privilege accorded to few. Further, he can shut his ears when he has had enough, which is a faculty man may envy him.

Seal's outburst and pointed out, with historical illustrations, that such reverses had happened in every political campaign of any importance. If anything, his spirits were improved by the disaster. The enemy, he said, had taken the offensive; and it was now up to the Society to outwit the enemy.

Turning about, I espied him on his knees, examining the contents of the dead man's pockets with a methodical precision that revolted me. "Of mine?" said I, shuddering. "Your werry own, sir. 'T was one o' the reasons as I brought you along I do 'ope Windictiveness here ain't destroyed it ah, 'ere it is, Mr. Werricker, sir though the seal's broke, you'll ob-serve."

"I only have this one seal left," he explained to Joe, "but she is the best of the lot. I hate to part with her." They went out to the barn, where there was a large tank of water. Stepping up to it Mr. Blossom, the seal's owner, called loudly: "Here, Lizzie!"

Each native brought down his club simultaneously, the first blow invariably crushing the slight, thin bones of the fur seal's skull and stretching it out unconscious. The six or seven seals that fell to each man's share were clubbed in less than a minute for the lot.

It was not why the Magpie had been murdered, it was who had murdered him! Once, long, long ago, almost at the outset of the Gray Seal's career, a spurious gray seal had been used before. But this was a vastly different, and far more significant matter.

In them it was already nearly dark. It was in that way that, landing at the barge stage, a little stiff with the cold of his barge journey, Throckmorton came upon the young Poins in his scarlet breeches, his face cut and bleeding in his contact with the earth, his sword gone. Privy Seal's men that had fallen upon him had kicked him out of the palace gates.

Only only some one" his voice weakened still farther "must have spilled the beans to the police." Jimmie Dale made no answer. His lips were thinned and tight together. It was plain enough now. It had been a plant to get him to get Larry the Bat, who was known to the underworld to be the Gray Seal to get the Gray Seal through an appeal to the Gray Seal's loyalty toward his pal, Silver Mag!