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As the facts of the situation became known, not only by Mr. Schurz's report, but by news from the Southern capitals and by various evidence it was very clear that Congress could not and would not set the seal of national authority on any such settlement as this.

A critic might, without carping, suggest that it is the duty of an earnest man to disregard the bespattering which fidelity to principle often incurs, and that a beaten path to safe place for one's self is not an inspiring or worthy object of statesmanship. Nor is Mr. Schurz's independence of party more pronounced or more complete than his independence of true American feeling.

It was Ernest who had suggested this light satirical treatment of the great social problem, whose more serious side he himself had learnt to look at in Max Schurz's revolutionary salon; and it was to Ernest that Arthur Berkeley owed the first hint of that famous scene where the young Countess of Coalbrookdale converses familiarly on the natural beauties of healthful labour with the chorus of intelligent colliery hands, in the most realistic of grimy costumes, from her father's estates in Staffordshire.

It was Mehronay who took a galley of pi which the office devil had set up from a wrecked form, and interspersed up and down the column of meaningless letters "Great applause" "Tremendous cheering" Cries of "Good, good! that's the way to hit 'em!" "Hurrah for Hancock" and ran it in the paper as a report of Carl Schurz's speech to the German-American League at the court-house.

'At any rate, said Oswald laughing, 'I've had the pleasure of finding myself accused for the first time in the course of my existence of being aristocratic. It's quite worth while going to Max Schurz's once in one's life, if it were only for the sake of that single new sensation. 'Well, my dear fellow, we must rectify you, anyhow, before you go.

They went on together to the same street in Marylebone as before, and mounted the stair till they reached Herr Schurz's gloomy little work-room on the third floor.

Max Schurz's name was not once mentioned throughout the whole ten or twelve pages of closely written foolscap; 'Gold and the Proletariate' was utterly ignored; and in place of the strong meat served out for men by the apostles of socialism in the Marylebone dancing-saloon, Ernest dished up for his examiner's edification merely such watery milk for babes as he had extracted from the eminently orthodox economical pages of Fawcett, Mill, and Thorold Rogers.

It is enough to be embalmed in the hearts of the people as a national benefactor, and to shine as a star of the first magnitude in the political firmament. Carl Schurz's Life of Henry Clay is far the ablest and most interesting that I have read. The Life of Clay by Colton is fuller and more pretentious, but is diffuse.

Schurz's popularity a popularity that was very marked in the earlier period of his career is due in part to certain unsteady and erratic tendencies, some of which are in strong contrast with characteristics that are recognized as belonging in an especial degree to his race.

Where Ernest had written 'enthusiasm, Lancaster had simply altered the word to 'fanaticism; where Ernest had spoken of Herr Max's 'single-hearted devotion, Lancaster had merely changed the phrase into 'undisguised revolutionary ardour. The whole paper was one long sermon against Max Schurz's Utopian schemes, imputing to him not only folly but even positive criminality as well.