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"I see you are a collector yourself," he ventured, picking them up. "Yes," answered Craig, offhand; "I picked them up yesterday at Sato's. You know the place?" "Oh, yes, I know Sato," answered the curator, seemingly without the slightest hesitation. "He has been in Mexico is quite a student." "And the other man, Otaka?" "Other man Otaka? You mean his wife?"

We came, at length, to one, a small, quaint, dusty rookery, down in a basement, entered almost directly from the street. It bore over the door a little gilt sign which read simply, "Sato's." As we entered, I could not help being impressed by the wealth of articles in beautiful cloisonne enamel, in mother-of-pearl, lacquer, and champleve.

The dose of the active principle, aconitin nitrate, is about one six-hundredth of a grain. There are no color tests, no reactions, as in the case of the other organic poisons." I wondered what he was driving at. Was there, indeed, no test? Had the murderer used the safest of poisons one that left no clue? I looked covertly at Sato's face. It was impassive.

Sato's History of the Land Question in the United States, Johns Hopkins University Studies, Series IV, is the best book for reference. Statistical tables are appended to this article. Reconstruction. See Johnston's article in Lalor's Encyclopaedia, and authorities there cited.

Sato's scant knowledge of English seemed to forsake him, under the stress of his terror. And he broke into a monkeylike mouthing in his native Japanese. Milo took a step toward him. Sato screeched like a stuck pig and crouched to the ground. "Wait!" suggested Brice, going toward the abject creature. "Let me handle him. I know a bit of his language.

"If that is the case," broke in Doctor Leslie, "it is hopeless to connect anyone directly in that way with these murders. There is no test for aconitin." I thought Sato's face was more composed and impassive than ever. Doctor Bernardo, however, was plainly excited. "What no test NONE?" asked Kennedy, leaning forward eagerly.

"Well, you see I happen to know," Craig replied, not the least disconcerted. "You can't always be too sure." A laugh and a shrug was Sato's answer. "It's well all are not so keen," he said, with a frank acknowledgment that he was not above sharp practices. I glanced now and then at the expressionless face of the curio dealer.

"Sato worked for him, after Hade's regular butler fell ill. He " "H'm!" mused Brice. "A hanger-on of Hade's, eh? That may explain it. Sato's cowardice may have been a bit of rather clever acting. He saw no use in risking his neck for you people when his master wasn't here. It was no part of his spy work to " "Spy work?" echoed Standish, in real astonishment. "What?"

Leslie himself was the only official who could handle Sato's case now. We had planned a little vacation for ourselves, but the planning came to naught. The next night we spent on a sleeper. That in itself is work to me. It all came about through a hurried message from Murray Denison, president of the Federal Radium Corporation.

Evidently rumors of it had spread from Mexican Indians to Japanese visitors. And then, Otaka, all jealousy over one whom she, no doubt, justly considered a rival, completed your work by sending her forth to die, unknown, on the street. Walter, ring up First Deputy O'Connor. The stone is hidden somewhere in the curio shop. We can find it without Sato's help.