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A bar of cast iron, when at its breaking point by the application of a tensile strain, is stretched about one six-hundredth part of its length; and an equal strain employed to compress it, would shorten it about one eight-hundredth part of its length. Q. But to what strain may the iron used in the construction of engines be safely subjected?

The dose of the active principle, aconitin nitrate, is about one six-hundredth of a grain. There are no color tests, no reactions, as in the case of the other organic poisons." I wondered what he was driving at. Was there, indeed, no test? Had the murderer used the safest of poisons one that left no clue? I looked covertly at Sato's face. It was impassive.

The eldest son of my Lord is just come from Eton he knows a good deal about Æneas and Dido, Apollo and Daphne and that is all; and to this boy his father gives a six-hundredth part of the power of making laws, as he would give him a horse or a double-barrelled gun.

So say we'll allow now let me see, ten plus ten is twenty, and one six-hundredth of twenty would be six in two is no, two in six is well, anyway, to make it ab-so-lute-ly safe, we'll allow a cent and a half for each sandwich, to cover overhead and rent and fuel, and then they sell a sandwich at fifteen cents, which is, uh, the way they figure percentage of profit well, make it, say, seven hundred per cent.! 'Course just estimating roughly like.