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"Did she insist on that, the prude? Y' amaze me!" "Surely, my love, you do not apprehend. Had Lord Rotherby's parson not been detected and unmasked by Mr. Caryll, here " "Would you ha' me believe she did not know the fellow was no parson?" "Oh!" cried Hortensia. "Your ladyship has a very wicked soul. May God forgive you!" "And who is to forgive you?" snapped the countess.

Captain Mainwaring Rotherby's own second, a man of quick, fierce passions utterly unable to control himself, fell upon his lordship and beat him to the ground with his hands, cursing him and heaping abuse upon him with every blow; whilst delicate Mr.

Caryll bowed again, and went to hold the door for them, Mr. Green's eyes keenly alert for an attempt at evasion. But there was none. When his lordship and his ward had departed, Mr. Caryll turned to Rotherby, who had taken a chair, his man Gaskell behind him. He looked from the viscount to Mr. Green. "Do we require this gentleman?" he asked the spy. A smile broke over Rotherby's swam face.

Meanwhile there was his lordship's question to be answered. He answered it mechanically, his eyes upon the lady, and she returning the gaze of those queer, greenish eyes with a sweetness that gave place to no confusion. "I am from France, sir." "But not French?" his lordship continued. Mr. Caryll fetched his eyes from the lady's to meet Lord Rotherby's.

"I thought," was Rotherby's greeting, a note almost of irritation in his voice, "that the woman said you were from France." It was an odd welcome, but its oddness at the moment went unheeded. His swift scrutiny of his brother over, Mr. Caryll's glance passed on to become riveted upon the face of the lady at the table's head.

Did she hide, what must the town think but that it confirmed the talk that she made no doubt was going round already. Better to go forth and brave it, and surely it should disarm the backbiters if she showed herself in the park with Lord Rotherby's own mother.

Even as he flung out his hands to grapple with his lordship, Rotherby's arm drove straight before him and sent his sword through the undefended back of Mr. Caryll. All that Mr.

"Why," said he, at length, "you may beg my Lord Rotherby's pardon for having given him the lie. You may retract, and brand yourself a liar and your version of the Maidstone affair a silly invention which ye have not the courage to maintain. You may do that, Mr. Caryll. For my own sake, let me add, I hope you will not do it." "I am not thinking of your grace at all," said Mr.

Lord Rotherby's friends in the ante-room paid little heed to him as he passed briskly through. Surveillance came rather from an entirely unsuspected quarter. As he left the house and crossed the square, a figure detached itself from the shadow of the wall, and set out to follow.