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At the edge he stumbled to his feet ankle deep in slush thanking heaven for an opaque footing again. His guide was already clambering up a metal screen to a level expanse. Through the spare snowflakes above this loomed another line of vast windmills, and then suddenly the amorphous tumult of the rotating wheels was pierced with a deafening sound.

Swing arms around in a circle, backward, a few times. Then reverse a few times, retaining the breath all the while. You may vary this by rotating them alternately like the sails of a windmill. Exhale the breath vigorously through the mouth. Practice Cleansing Breath. Lie on the floor with your face downward and palms of hands flat upon the floor by your sides. Inhale Complete Breath and retain.

Then, again, large rotating chemical furnaces have been introduced; and improved glass furnaces particularly tank glass furnaces, in which the batch is put in at one end, and the working holes are toward the other end have cheapened the actual production of glass, and are being worked largely on the Continent, and to some extent in this neighborhood.

But though he surmised the result from experiments made with rotating disks of colored paper, he did not, I think, try the method of using pure colors, and consequently, I believe, slightly exaggerated the blueness which would result. I have taken Prof.

Coils of wire fixed to a rotating axis were moved past the pole of a magnet. While the coil was approaching the lines of force were increasing, and a momentary inverse current was set up, which was immediately succeeded by a momentary direct current as the coil receded from the pole. Such machines on a small scale are still to be found in opticians' shops for the purpose of giving people shocks.

As the diameter of a rotating body diminishes, the tendency is for the mass to spin more rapidly; if it expands, to turn more slowly, provided in each case the amount of the impulse which leads to the turning remains the same.

It moves, in fact, by rolling itself rapidly along, rotating like a wheel on the extremities of its spokes, or like the clown in a pantomime, hurling himself forward on hands and feet alternately. Lin.

"Yes, yes I see your point. It must be so, for surely these creatures out there are strange enough in other ways." "But tell me, have you calculated when we shall land?" "In twelve hours, thirty-three minutes, sir." Eleven hours later, the expedition ship had slowed to a normal space-speed. On her left hung the giant globe of Asthor, rotating slowly, moving slowly in her orbit.

Perhaps it is easier to understand when we remember that the planets thus formed must necessarily have been rotating in eccentric orbits when they were first born, and these planets came too near the sun while gaseous, or nearly so, and Mars lost much of its matter, while the other, which now exists only as the asteroids, broke up.

A new great world, a vaster Imperialism had arisen about the school, had assimilated all these amazing and incredible ideas, had gone on to new and yet more amazing developments of its own. But the City Merchants School still made the substance of its teaching Latin and Greek, still, with no thought of rotating crops, sowed in a dream amidst the harvesting.