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"That was great foolishness," said the Road-Runner; "no white man yet ever got to the bottom of the heart of an Indian." "True," said the Condor, "but Ho-tai was half white, and the white part of him answered to the Padre's hand. He was very miserable, and in fact, nobody was very happy in those days in Hawikuh.

"Is that so!" said the Road-Runner, which is a polite way of saying that you think the story worth going on with; and then cocking his eye at the inscription, he hinted, "I have heard that the Long Gowns, the Padres who came with them, were master-workers in hearts." "It is so," said the Condor. "I remember the first of them who managed to build a church here, Padre Francisco Letrado. Here!"

Over and over and over the human hand, the track of the little road-runner bird, the plumed serpent coiled or in waving line, the human form with the square body and round head, with staring circles for eyes and mouth, and straight-line limbs. We were fleeing for safety through the sacred aisles of a people God had made; and when they served His purpose no longer, they had perished.

"I should have thought the Spaniards would have caught him at it," said Oliver. "White men, when they are thinking of gold," said the Road-Runner, "are particularly stupid about other things. There was a man of the Wichitas, a painted Indian called Ysopete, who told them from the beginning that the Turk lied about the gold.

"El Morro, 'the Castle, the Spaniards called it," said the Road-Runner, casting himself along the laps of the trail like a feathered dart. "But to our Ancients it was always 'The Rock. On winter journeys they camped on the south side to get the sun, and in summers they took the shade on the north.

To protect himself against them a small war-club is added to the other necessaries, and to render the journey safe beyond a doubt a magic circle is drawn, encompassing the statuette with a circle of cruciform marks, imitating the footprints of the shashka, or road-runner.

Look there!" she cried, pointing ahead of them. A chaparral cock strutted from its decapitated enemy, a rattlesnake, and disappeared in the chaparral. Hopalong laughed: "Mr. Scissors-bill Road-runner has great fun with snakes. He runs along th' sand-an' he can run, too an' sees a snake takin' a siesta. Snip! goes his bill an' th' snake slides over th' Divide.

The Road-Runner cocked his head on one side and observed the children, to see if they knew what this meant. "Is it anything like far-looking?" asked Dorcas. "It is something none of my people ever had," said the Road-Runner.

"True, Grandfather," said the Road-Runner; "we are thinking of the gold, the seed of the Sun, that the Spaniards did not find. Is there left to you any of the remembrance of these things?" "Hai, hai!" The Condor stretched his broad wings and settled himself comfortably on a nubbin of sandstone. "Of which of these who passed will you hear?"

And though the Iron Shirts looked at him with more suspicion every day, he was almost happy. He smelled sweet-grass and the dust of his own country, and spoke face to face with the Morning Star. "I do not understand about stars," said the Road-Runner. "It seems that some of them travel about and do not look the same from different places.