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"Yes," said the Major, leaning forward to give the boy a slap on the knee that made him wince. "And what about your despised British bayonets then eh, sir? Eh?" "Ah!" said the Resident thoughtfully. "Oh, nonsense, nonsense, Sir Charles!" cried the Major. "Come, I think this is a grand proposal, and I can only see one failing in it." "What's that, sir?" "That I didn't think of it myself.

"I've just heard about her, and I'd like to be of use." The resident doctor looked at her with admiration. She was the most conspicuous figure in the island, and her beauty was a fine support to her wealth and reputation. It was like her to be kind in this frank way. "You can be of great use if you will," he said. "The fever is not infectious, I'm glad to say.

A cousin of mine whose friend, Mlle de Flotte, long resident in England, had married a countryman of her own, and settled in Normandy wrote to Mme de Terelcourt accordingly, to ask if there was a habitable hut in her neighbourhood where we might find shelter for three years, before which time we were told the settlement of our affairs could scarcely be completed.

The South African born men consider themselves to have been robbed of a portion of their birthright; the others have not the same reason for thinking this. With men of so many nationalities the position of the British Resident would in any case have been one of difficulty, especially after the part played by the High Commissioner.

It clearly emerges as an established settlement in 1624 when its population was given at twenty-five persons including at least four families with servants and dependents. That same year it sent its own burgess to the Assembly at Jamestown, its most prominent resident, Richard Kingsmill.

Orders were given for the guard to turn out, and the resident and Major Sandars hurriedly prepared to meet their distinguished guest, who, however, did not stop at the island, but went straight on to the corvette, where he was received by a guard of marines, the captain awaiting his visitor upon the quarter-deck.

One of the first classes of effects to be treated as secondary were naturally pleasures and pains, since it could commonly conduce very little to intelligent and successful action to conceive our pleasures and pains as resident in objects.

Even to us who have known no other, it seems a strange, if not an appalling, place of residence. But far stranger is the resident, man, a creature compact of wonders that, after centuries of custom, is still wonderful to himself. He inhabits a body which he is continually outliving, discarding, and renewing.

Giles Holloway, then resident of Tappanuli, through the interior of the country of which we are now speaking, with a view to explore its productions, particularly the cassia, which at that time was thought likely to prove an object of commerce worthy of attention. Says Mr.

These points are not insignificant, since we possess a Ricordo by Michelangelo, written upon an unfinished letter bearing the date "Venice, September 10," which has been taken to imply that he had been resident in Venice fourteen days that is, from the 28th of August. None of his contemporaries or biographers mention a visit to Venice at the end of August 1529.