United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I had him here eight year and he was the remarkablest cat I ever see. He was a large gray one of the Tom specie, an' he had more hard, natchral sense than any man in this camp 'n' a power of dignity he wouldn't let the Gov'ner of Californy be familiar with him. He never ketched a rat in his life 'peared to be above it. He never cared for nothing but mining.

"Ah!" nodded the Chapman, "it's the most remarkablest book as ever was! Lookee heer's picters for ye lookee!" and he began turning over the pages, calling out the subject of the pictures as he did so. "Gentleman going a walk in a jerry 'at. Gentleman eating soup! Gentleman kissing lady's 'and. Gentleman dancing with lady note them theer legs, will ye theer's elegance for ye!

"Now, you see, Tresler," he said huskily, for his voice was tired with sustained effort. "You're the remarkablest smart 'tenderfoot' that ever I see. Say, you're a right smart daddy an' I ain't given to latherin' soap-suds neither. But ther's suthin's I calc'late that no 'tenderfoot, smart as he may be, is goin' to locate right.

I had him here eight year and he was the remarkablest cat I ever see. He was a large gray one of the Tom specie, an' he had more hard, natchral sense than any man in this camp 'n' a power of dignity he wouldn't let the Gov'ner of Californy be familiar with him. He never ketched a rat in his life 'peared to be above it. He never cared for nothing but mining.

By heaven, Theodore Purefoy, thou hast done a doughty deed and no botch! Thou art, I vow, the remarkablest progenitor barring none in this chaffering allincluding most farraginous chronicle. Astounding! In her lay a Godframed Godgiven preformed possibility which thou hast fructified with thy modicum of man's work. Cleave to her! Serve!

To which his Prussian Majesty answers positively, though in proper Diplomatic tone, "Madam, I will in no wise permit it!" Perhaps his Majesty's remarkablest transaction, here on the Rhine, was this concerning Stanislaus.

I had him here eight year and he was the remarkablest cat I ever see. He was a large grey one of the Tom specie, an' he had more hard, natchral sense than any man in this camp 'n' a power of dignity he wouldn't let the Gov'ner of Californy be familiar with him. He never ketched a rat in his life 'peared to be above it. He never cared for nothing but mining.

Where we was last night that is, Buggins and I most respectable people in the copying line it isn't only he as does the copying, but she too; nurses the baby, and minds the kitchen fire, and goes on, sheet after sheet, all at the same time; and a very tidy thing they make of it, only they do straggle their words so; well, they were saying as it's one of the most remarkablest cases as ever was know'd."

The most remarkablest day this great while. All has been peace & quietness. Three ships came down the Narrows, one bound to London, another bound to Newfoundland, & the third to Ireland. Saturday, 27th. This morning, about 10, the Cap't went to York to take his leave of Cap't Freebody, who was going to Rhode Island. At 2 P.M. he came on board & brought with him 2 bb's of pork.

It was while they were strolling through a little glade, which they came upon unexpectedly, that Washington, who was in the lead called out: "Gracious goodness! It must be Thanksgivin'!" "Why so?" asked Jack. "'Cause here's th' remarkablest extraordinary and expansionist of a pumpkin that ever I laid eyes on!" the colored man cried. They all hurried to where Washington had come to a halt.