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I know my business, and I don't want you to put your fingers in it." "Well, go ahead with your rat-killing," the money-lender said. "I've given you a piece of sound advice, and, if you don't take it, that isn't my lookout." Bradley strode heavily and with dragging feet along the gravelled walk to the house.

I have never even been able to understand why pigeon-shooting at Hurlingham should be refined and polite, while a rat-killing match in Whitechapel is low; or why "What a lark" should be coarse, when one hears "How awfully jolly" drop from the most refined lips twenty times in an evening.

Neither of these is really very destructive to poultry, but both are very destructive to mice, rats and other pestiferous creatures. Both are large, showy birds, not so very swift in flight, and rather easy to approach. Neither of them should be destroyed, not even though they do, once in a great while, take a chicken or wild bird. They pay for them, four times over, by rat-killing. Mr.

I remember his telling a story about a party being discovered at quite a distance from them; but one of the savages was made very conspicuous by a pewter plate, which he wore round his neck, and which glittered in the sun. This plate proved his death; for, according to Gun-Deck, he himself shot it through the middle, and the ball entered the wearer's heart. It was a rat-killing war, he said.

It was certainly believed at Turnover that the Vicar and Sam Brattle had for years past spent the best part of their Sundays fishing together. There were tales of rat-killing matches in which they had been engaged, originating in the undeniable fact of a certain campaign against rats at the mill, in which the Vicar had taken an ardent part.

The last count in the indictment may seem hard to believe; but it is a fact that the Indian mongoose often resorts to fruit and vegetable food. In Jamaica, at the end of the rat-killing period, the planters joyfully estimated that the labors of Herpestes had saved between 500,000 pounds and 750,000 pounds to the industries of that island.

In short, there's nothing for it but cutting the connection between him and Jem Nares. 'Just tell me how far it goes. What has he been doing with him? 'Taking him to see rat-killing at Sims' in Smoke-jack Alley. 'You couldn't hinder it? 'No. Indeed, Felix, I did my best, and the tears sprang into the boy's eyes; 'I did all but go after him, for I knew that would be worse than no good.

During the first half of the nineteenth century the chief accomplishment of this terrier was rat-killing. There are some extraordinary accounts of his adroitness, as well as courage, in destroying these vermin. The feats of a dog called Billy are recorded. He was matched to destroy one hundred large rats in eight minutes and a half.