United States or Oman ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Eighteen thick-necked negroes in undershirts and trousers gazed up white-eyed from a suspended card game at the long camp table. But we had no time for explanations. "Name?" I shouted at the coal-hued Hercules nearest at hand. "David Providence," he bleated in trembling voice, and the great Zone questionnaire was on.

"Yes they did." "I bet they didn't." "I bet they did." "Look at the smiles on their faces." "I bet we have the town hall wished on us." "I bet it's the fire-house." "I feel it in my bones we have to go to school." "Let's see the cup." "Did you eat?" "What is this, a questionnaire?" asked one of the arrivals, the one who had driven the car. "Let's hear the worst." "Break it gently."

A waiter after several trips about the table, and many helpless glances at Caroline, who was maintaining a cheerful, futile questionnaire as to the succulence of this dish or that, managed to obtain the semblance of an order and hurried away.... Olive was speaking to Merlin "When, then?" she asked, her voice faintly shaded with disappointment.

The questionnaire has been answered mainly by men of the British army, but the writer could observe no radical difference between the British and American forces as regards their religious life. As in other things connected with the war, we in America may learn much from the experience of Britain and other nations. What are the moral standards and actions of the men in war time?

The Second Phase "There was a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind." Douglas Adams, "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" "Well done!" the Lab Coat Man exclaimed, rubbing his eyes and replacing the pen in his coat pocket, "Very well done! Not many subjects have been able to answer our comprehensive questionnaire in under three hours." Prof.

All they have done for me is to make me a little more conscious of how hard it is to classify and to sample, how readily we spread a little butter over the whole universe. They found, as we all find the moment we refuse to let our first notion prevail, that they were beset with complications. Of the test they employed nothing need be said here except that it was a large questionnaire.

These facts were supplied me, following along the lines of a questionnaire, by the well known explorer Charles Wellington Furlong, F. R. G. S., who in 1907-1908, was in charge of the first scientific expedition to cross through the heart of Tierra del Fuego. Mr. Furlong's keen powers of observation, have made the data unusually complete.

At this juncture the Reform League sent a questionnaire to each Councillor, and to each member of the Association. It reminded the Mayor of the man who claimed that in a debate, he would answer every question of his adversary with a simple No or Yes and the first question was: "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

A questionnaire was sent by Hotchkiss and Franken to 1761 men and women college students in New York City, and answers came from all but a few. Scott used a questionnaire on four thousand prominent business and professional men in Chicago and received replies from twenty-three hundred.

The vast majority of the reports had to be evaluated on the basis of what the intelligence officer who had written the report had been able to uncover, or what data we could get by telephone or by mailing out a questionnaire. The questionnaire we were using in June 1952 was the one that had recently been developed by Project Bear.