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He looked at me very straight, with just the least perceptible twinkle, and he said, "All right, old man, cut in, and take your chance. I'll risk it." I got to Canterbury in the early evening and went straight from my Fifteenth Century hotel to the Thesigers' house in the Close. I spotted it at once. It was all old red brick and grey stone like the Tudor houses in John's and Margaret's Quad.

At any rate I was not in the least angry at Ward's way of taking my wretched exhibition, so I asked him and Dennison and two or three other freshers, who were standing around in the quad, to come and have tea with me, and that tea was the beginning of my first big row.

Next morning, when the second hour was about half through, a feeling of excitement filled the Quad and penetrated the classrooms. Craig's students were not paying very creditable attention to his lecture. He himself was keeping his mind on the syllabus with considerable difficulty.

Henry, after attempting in vain to procure a conference with the pope, who departed soon after for Rome, whither the prosperous state of his affairs now invited him, made provisions against the consequences of that breach which impended between his kingdom and the apostolic see. Quad. p. 88, 167. Hoveden, p. 496.

Goad replied that she had not been twice in the college "Quad" in her life, as far as he knew.

Hist. Hist. Quad. p. 33, 45. Hoveden, p. 492. M. Paris, p. 72. Diceto, p. 536, 537. Brompton, p. 1058. Gervase, p. 1384. Epist. St.

Then suddenly he appeared again on an evening when the College, having won the "Fours," was commemorating its success by a bonfire in the big quad. A certain freshman, stealing down his staircase with a can of colza oil to feed the flames, was confronted by our missing Senior Fellow. "No," said the great scholar, "don't be afraid, and don't seek to hide that oil-can; but come in here."

"Then if they didn't want it read, why did they write it at all?" exclaimed Mugford triumphantly. "Oh, shut up! you're cracked, you " "Look here," interrupted Jack Vance, "where did you find the thing?" "Why, you know the window in the box-room that looks out on the 'quad; well, there's a little crack under the ledge between the wooden frame and the wall, and this note was stuck in there.

"Why, he was a very little boy at Charterhouse when I was a big one; he afterwards went to Oxford, and got sent down from Christ Church for the part he took in burning a Greek bust in Tom Quad an antique Greek bust after a bump supper." "Just the sort of man I should have expected," Hilda answered, with a suppressed smile.

On my way across the front quad I met Lambert and Dennison lounging about arm-in-arm; they wished me luck, and I told them to go to blazes. I simply hate men who can't stand without propping themselves up, the one against the other.