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"Certainly not, we strive after virtue and ought to do everything to render ourselves independent of nature and her cravings. But to be sure she often asserts her rights to return then: where do you get the money?" "Why, it burns in the purses of the people in there.

Cooks and housemaids presented one another with knitted bags and purses; the cobbler's daughter embroidered "neck-cushions" for her friend the butcher's daughter. These were made up by the upholsterer at great expense, lined with white satin; the upper part, on which the back rested, being wrought with gold, silver, and pearls. But we must no longer delay the reader by our gossip.

On opening these, two thousand purses in sequins were found, twelve hundred of which the Pasha took, and left the remainder to the owner, who died three months after, not in consequence of the blows he had received, but of grief for the loss of his money.

Look at the grand Duomo of Florence a vast pile that has been sapping the purses of her citizens for five hundred years, and is not nearly finished yet.

In it were three tiny purses of blue velvet; in one of them a silver cup, in another a crown of laurel, and in the third four new silver pennies, with the patent, signed at top, "Oberon Imperator;" and two sheets of warrants strung together with blue silk according to form; and at top an office seal of wax and a chaplet of cut paper on it. The Warrants were these:

Then, in a quiet corner, he counted over his booty of the evening the paltry plunder of Mr. Ronald Barker, the rather better-furnished purses of the actresses, which contained four pounds between them, and, finally, the gorgeous jewellery and well-filled note- book of the plutocrat upon the Daimler.

And a jury, sworn to decide causes "according to the evidence" produced, are quite likely, for aught they themselves can know, to be deciding merely the comparative length of the parties' purses, rather than the intrinsic strength of their respective rights.

Hence food was periodically poured into the ground, playthings and utensils were burned on the pyre or laid in the coffin, and money was placed in that most primitive of purses, the mouth.

acts of oppression; with idolizing the lawyers, the constant advocates of tyranny; with neglecting the men who had bled for them in the field, that they might gain the Presbyterians who had apostatized from the cause; and with doing all this in order to perpetuate their own power, and to replenish their own purses.

'What a terrible cheat the first merchant must have been! said the puzzled Popanilla, as they proceeded on their way. 'By no means! said his calm companion; 'the purse was sufficiently, cheap even at four crowns. This is not Cheatery; this is Competition! 'What a wonderful nation, then, this must be, where you not only get purses gratis but even well loaded!