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This pressure has finally culminated in forcing the sacrum of the European nearer the pubes, with consequent lateral expansion and contraction of the diameter from front to back. From the marsupials to the lemurs the box-shaped pelvis remains.

True labor pains are characterized by starting in the back, extending around the abdomen and toward the pubes and down the thighs; they come at more or less regular intervals of half to three-quarters of an hour, and increase in intensity with a decrease in the intervals. A strong pain is apt to be followed by two weaker ones. The so-called false pains are irregular in their occurrence.

There is often allegory, but it is usually contributed by modern interpreters, and would sometimes greatly astound the original fabulists. Pax et concordia, pubes Ver manent aeternum. Nec flos, nec lilia desunt, Nec rosa, nec violae: flores et poma sub una Fronde gerit pomus.

The patient was a woman of twenty-eight whose abdomen at the umbilicus measured 69 inches in circumference and 47 inches from the sternum to the pubes. Before the operation the great tumor hung down as far as the knees, the abdominal wall chafing the thighs. The emaciation of the subject is particularly noticeable.

The pelvis was broad and well shaped, and measured 10 1/2 inches from the anterior surface of the spinous process of one ilium to that of the other, being a little more than the standard pelvis of Churchill, and, in consequence of this pelvic development, her legs were bowed. The mammae and labia had all the appearance of established puberty, and the pubes and axillae were covered with hair.

The signs of the approach of this period are the growth of hair on the pubes and other parts of the body, the enlargement of the breasts, a general rounding and increased grace of the body, the development of the pelvis so that the hips become more prominent, and a change in the mental qualities of the child, the girl naturally becoming more retiring.

Bechlinger of Para, Brazil, describes a woman of twenty-five, a native of Martinique, whose father was French and mother a quadroon, who had a modified duplication of the lower body. There was a third leg attached to a continuation of the processus coceygeus of the sacrum, and in addition to well developed mammae regularly situated, there were two rudimentary ones close together above the pubes.

Delivery was effected, though during the passage of the head the pubes separated to such an extent that Eldridge placed two fingers between them. The mother recovered, and had perfect union and normal locomotion. Sanders reports a case of the separation of the pubic bones in labor. Studley mentions a case of fracture of the pelvis during instrumental delivery.

In the neck, axilla, and pubes a diffuse overgrowth of the subcutaneous fat is sometimes met with, forming symmetrical tumour-like masses, known as diffuse lipoma. As this is not, strictly speaking, a tumour, the term diffuse lipomatosis is to be preferred. A similar condition was described by Jonathan Hutchinson as being met with in the domestic animals.

The only other ceremonies undergone by the females, are those of having the belly or arms tattooed, and of having the hair plucked from the pubes after the death of a child, and sometimes from other causes. In the mode of disposing of the dead, and the ceremonials attending it, there is a difference in almost every tribe.