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Anna had never seen that wonderful spot, and Anna, who did not accompany her mother on her Yorkshire visit, was to be introduced to all its beauties on the very day after her mother's departure. As though knowing what was expected of it, the day broke most promisingly.

Of these men, a great many started out hopefully and promisingly. But fate failed to do for them the work of the polishing lapidary that we all need. They succeeded too soon, they made money too easily, they rose too suddenly. Failure at the right time would have made them think, work and do better. But failure came too late, and when the energy to fight and overcome was no longer there.

The clouds often collected promisingly over us, and rolling thunder seemed to portend refreshing showers, but next morning the sun would rise in a clear, cloudless sky; indeed, even these lowering appearances were less frequent by far than days of sunshine are in London.

Last September, I outlined principles to carry on the peace process begun so promisingly at Camp David. All the people of the Middle East should know that in the year ahead we will not flag in our efforts to build on that foundation to bring them the blessings of peace. In Central America and the Caribbean Basin, we are likewise engaged in a partnership for peace, prosperity, and democracy.

President Dwight wrote that the servants of that day were "distinguished for vice and profligacy;" so the nineteenth century opened no more promisingly than the eighteenth. The pious colonists felt that great spiritual, as well as temporal responsibility rested upon them in regard to their bond-servants.

I could not choose but act upon advice that was at once so very friendly and professional. My inexperience, for a time, gratefully reposed in Mr Gilbert. Exactly two months after I had entered the concern, I married. Sun never rose more promisingly upon a wedding-day a lovelier bride had never graced it.

The morning of that day it was a Tuesday of the Lenten season could not have dawned more promisingly. The sea, off the Cabañal, was in flat calm, as smooth as a polished mirror. Not the slightest ripple broke the shimmering triangular wake that the sun sent shoreward over the lifeless surface of the water.

The barber protested that he could not make change on this basis, but cheerfully extended the credit. He was glad to see McGinnis back again, for he was most promisingly hairy. "I am back, but I'll not be stayin' long," said McGinnis. "Have ye annything to drink?" The barber mournfully shook his head, even as had Billy Hudgens.

Obscure men, whose sole capital was their enormous impudence, invented similar schemes, promised similar advantages, and used similar arts to entice the capitalists, which were employed with so much success at a later period. Two "land banks," and a "London bank" to be managed by the magistrates, with several other proposals, were therefore put promisingly forward.

Your career has really begun and so promisingly. While I can't do a thing but play the fiddle a little, daub a little at batik, and crochet!" "And make most delightful fudge!" cried Jennie Stone, just then coming into the room in her traveling dress, fresh from the hands of her maid and Aunt Kate. "How do I look, girls?"