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"You feel quite a spite against him then, Roberts?" "Spite's nothing to it," said Bob. "Didn't he and his people force me, a harmless, unoffending young fellow " "As ever contrived to board a prahu," said the lieutenant. "Ah, well, that wasn't my doing," said Bob. "I was ordered to do my duty, and tried to do it.

When cholera or smallpox is apprehended, some kapatongs of fair size are left standing outside the room or at the landing places of the prahus. Images representing omen birds guard the house, but may also be carried on a journey in a basket which is placed near the head when a man is sleeping in a prahu or on land.

Somewhere behind her upon the broad river she was sure a long, narrow native prahu was being urged forward in pursuit, and that in command of it was the young giant who was now never for a moment absent from her thoughts. For hours she strained her eyes over the stern of the craft that was bearing her deeper and deeper into the wild heart of fierce Borneo.

Ned, who had been one of the crew, as soon as the sails were set, came up to me. "I've just heard something, sir, which may or may not be of importance," he said. "I was talking to one of the men we brought off from Sanguir, when he confessed to me that he had been on board the prahu which took me off the shore where we were wrecked.

Ferguson himself superintended the laying of the guns, seeing that each was most carefully trained upon the waterline of a prahu. As the distance was some seventy or eighty yards, he had little doubt that the two vessels aimed at would be sunk at once. When he was thoroughly satisfied, he drew back and gave the order to fire.

Owing to the magic liquid his prahu had become very large, and carried much, much goods, as well as the dead deer. He travelled straight for the kampong, where he caught sight of his mother. "O, mother!" he cried, and went up the ladder carrying the bottle. He washed his mother with the liquid. She became young and beautiful, and it also gave her many beautiful garments.

The escape of the second prahu was followed by a short council; and several Malays being found ready enough to act as guides to the stockade, to which the rajah and his men had fled, it was decided to follow him up, and read him a second severe lesson.

The period of time required for "cooking rice" mentioned in the tale is called one pemasak, equal to about half an hour. A Dayak went fishing and caught a patin which he took home in his prahu. He left the fish there and advised his wife, who went to fetch it.

It seemed reckless, but my prahu, heavily laden, acted admirably, shooting through the waves without much exertion. After nearly an hour of refreshing passage we approached the main rapid, Kiham Raja. I kept behind the rest of the fleet, in order, if possible, to get a snap-shot.

Such is the personal appearance of a Loondoo Dyak. They informed us that the river we were then in was the Loondoo, and that the Sarawak was some distance to the eastward. They also gave us the information that the boats of the Dido had been engaged with pirates, and had been successful, having captured one prahu and sunk another.