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Unaroused by any strong stimulus in their ponderings over the riddle of the universe, the sober, plodding scientists and the calm, truth-loving philosophers gained a peaceful victory over the mythologists. The Gods of China The Birth of the Soul The dualism noted in the last chapter is well illustrated by the Chinese pantheon.

Lord Burghley could hardly be censured least of all ridiculed for the patient and somewhat timid attributes of his nature: The ineffable ponderings, which might now be ludicrous, on the part of a minister of the British Empire, with two hundred millions of subjects and near a hundred millions of revenue, were almost inevitable in a man guiding a realm of four millions of people with half a million of income.

Cherry's ponderings were divided between that sigh and the possible sighs of the wind if that door were not shut, until her own door was opened by Felix's hand, to admit a little figure still in petticoats, with the loose flaxen curls, tottering feet, limp white fingers, and vacant blue eyes, whom she daily put through a few exercises to train his almost useless fingers and tongue.

'She is very kind to me, thought Lucy Foster in a rush of gratitude mixed with some perplexity. 'I don't know why she takes so much trouble about me. She is so different so so fashionable so experienced. She can't care a bit about me. Yet she is very sweet to me to everybody, indeed. But And again she lost herself in ponderings on the relation of Mr. Manisty to his cousin.

He was learned in Mardian lore; much given to quotations from ancient and obsolete authorities: the Ponderings of Old Bardianna: the Pandects of Alla-Malolla. Third and last, was Yoomy, or the Warbler.

Skyward ponderings by night, canny discoveries under foot by day, quickened his mind and sight to vast and to minute significancies, until they declared an Author known to him hitherto only by tradition.

I don't have any from that composer. Let's hear it. He is one of my favorites, you know. Well, you don't know. That is why it is so special. What are the chances of you liking it, liking the cello above other instruments, favoring your philosophic ponderings above everything, and now telling me that you are okay with me being gay." "I'm here for you, Shawn."

Nevertheless, such ponderings and misgivings could not but have the effect of hampering the actions of Alva. That general chafed inwardly at what he considered his own contemptible position. At the same time, he enraged the Duke of Guise still more deeply by the forced calmness of his proceedings.

Her tiny heart was not agitated by any ecstatic ponderings upon the wonder and mystery of fate. She did not feel strangely drawn towards Lionel Belmont, nor did she feel that he supplied a something which had always been wanting to her.

After that we shall not know the troubles and the joys of the world, for the tombs are restful and soundless. Is it not so, my Rachel?" She shook her head. "Thou hast gone astray, Kenkenes. But thou wast untaught " "I have reasoned, Rachel, and the Power I have found in my ponderings, makes all the gods seem little.