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"Vell, it ain't difficult to guess that a young feller 'as bin 'avin' a swim w'en you see the 'air of 'is 'ead hall vet, an' 'is pocket-'ankercher lookin' as if it 'ad done dooty for a towel, not to mention 'is veskit 'avin' bin putt on in a 'urry, so as the buttons ain't got into the right 'oles, you see!" Miles laughed, and resumed his bread and cheese. "You are observant, I perceive," he said.

'You might as well talk to a beer-barrel. "He went off, dusting 'imself down with his little pocket-'ankercher, and arter the skipper 'ad told me wot he'd like to do, only he was too sorry for me to do it, 'e went back to the ship to put on a clean collar, and went off for the evening. "He always used to go off by hisself of a evening, and I used to wonder 'ow he passed the time.

By and by she took out 'er little pocket-'ankercher and began to cry "'Oh, get 'im back, she ses. 'Don't let it be said I follered 'im 'ere all the way for nothing. Have another try. For my sake! "''Ow can I get 'im back when I don't know where he's gorn? I ses. "'He-he's gorn to 'is godfather, she ses, dabbing her eyes.

By and by she took out 'er little pocket-'ankercher and began to cry "'Oh, get 'im back, she ses. 'Don't let it be said I follered 'im 'ere all the way for nothing. Have another try. For my sake! "''Ow can I get 'im back when I don't know where he's gorn? I ses. "'He-he's gorn to 'is godfather, she ses, dabbing her eyes.

She pulled out a dirt-coloured pocket-'ankercher and stood there dabbing her eyes with it. One eye at a time she dabbed, while she looked at me reproachful with the other. And arter eight dabs, four to each eye, she began to sob as if her 'art would break. "Go away," I ses, very slow. "You can't stand making that noise outside my wharf. Go away and give somebody else a treat."

The last I saw of the lady-friend, the two lightermen was helping 'er to walk to the gate, and the two sailormen was follering 'er up behind, carrying 'er pocket-'ankercher and upberella." "You've what?" demanded Mrs. Porter, placing the hot iron carefully on its stand and turning a heated face on the head of the family. "Struck," repeated Mr.

"It's wot we was put 'ere for: to 'elp one another." "I couldn't tell you," ses the gal, just dabbing at'er eyes with a lace pocket-'ankercher about one and a 'arf times the size of 'er nose. "Not if I ask you to?" ses Ginger. Miss Gill shook 'er 'ead, and then she tried her 'ardest to turn the conversation.

He went to a little eating-'ouse near by, where they was in the 'abit of going, and 'ad just started on a plate of eggs and bacon when Ginger Dick and Peter came into the place with a pocket-'ankercher of 'is wot they 'ad found in the fender. "'We thought you might want it, Sam, ses Peter. "'So we brought it along, ses Ginger. 'I 'ope you're enjoying of your brekfuss, Sam.

"It's wot we was put 'ere for: to 'elp one another." "I couldn't tell you," ses the gal, just dabbing at'er eyes with a lace pocket-'ankercher about one and a 'arf times the size of 'er nose. "Not if I ask you to?" ses Ginger. Miss Gill shook 'er 'ead, and then she tried her 'ardest to turn the conversation.

She pulled out a dirt-coloured pocket-'ankercher and stood there dabbing her eyes with it. One eye at a time she dabbed, while she looked at me reproachful with the other. And arter eight dabs, four to each eye, she began to sob as if her 'art would break. "Go away," I ses, very slow. "You can't stand making that noise outside my wharf. Go away and give somebody else a treat."