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You cannot be too particular to have a really well-made racket. Fortunately there are now so many good makers that it is a player's own fault if she is not suitably equipped. It may be a little more expensive to buy a really first-class racket; but the few extra shillings are well worth while if you mean to take up the game seriously, and to get out of it all the enjoyment you can.

I should advise all of them to make a periodical examination of the position of the club head at the top of the swing, as I indicated when discussing the drive, and if they find the toe is upwards they must make up their minds to get rid of this bad habit at any cost. If it has already become a part of the player's system, it will not be abolished without considerable difficulty.

The use of the word person in every European language to signify a human individual is unintentionally appropriate; persona really means a player's mask, and it is quite certain that no one shows himself as he is, but that each wears a mask and plays a r�le. In general, the whole of social life is a continual comedy, which the worthy find insipid, whilst the stupid delight in it greatly.

Above the chattering of the sparrows and the rustle of the wind in the trees, Rafael could hear the sound of a piano the keys barely touched by the player's fingers and a soft, timid voice, as if the song were meant for the singer alone. It was she.

For many years after his boyhood his life was one of continual hardship. With that unsubdued conviction of his own powers, which often is the sole consolation of genius, he toiled on and bravely struggled through the sordid miseries of a strolling player's life.

There was a certain hangdog look in it, but there was also a suggestion very covert of cynical amusement, as of a good player's jeer at a blunder by his opponent. His tone, however, was melancholy, tinged with just resentment, as he said: "Scarborough forgets how my own personal interest is involved. I don't like to lose two hundred and odd thousand a year."

Yoho, beside the village green, where cricket-players linger yet, and every little indentation made in the fresh grass by bat or wicket, ball or player's foot, sheds out its perfume on the night.

What is that?" inquired Mrs. Dodd. Why, a round O," said the other Oxonian, coming to his friend's aid. "And what is that, pray?" Alfred told her "the round O," which had yielded to "the duck's egg," and was becoming obsolete, meant the cypher set by the scorer against a player's name who is out without making a run. "I see," sighed Mrs. Dodd.

It is then announced that this is a competition, and that the one who writes the most improbable story in fifteen minutes wins a prize. The allotted time being up, the papers are collected and re-distributed so that each players receives another player's story. The stories are then read aloud and a committee decides which is the most improbable story. A prize is usually given the writer of this.

If a player's racket touches the net after the ball has struck the latter he does not loose a point. The ball is always in play until it has struck the ground outside of the Court or has touched the inside ground twice.