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Indeed, she had never, since the preceding night, been entirely absent from them; but because his training had been to do one thing at a time, and think of what he was doing to the exclusion of all else, he had unconsciously pigeonholed her in the back of his mind. Now she emerged. "Shiner, m'son," he apostrophized his horse, "if things break right you're going to have a missus.

Warrants were pigeonholed, suspicion suspended, side-arms neglected in their scabbards. The fighting men of both camps, in the presence of a ceremony that united de Spain and Nan Morgan, could not but feel a generous elation.

The writer of it is dead years ago, no doubt, and if I conceal her name and address her this-world address I am sure her shade will not mind. And with it I wish to print the answer which I wrote at the time but probably did not send. If it went which is not likely it went in the form of a copy, for I find the original still here, pigeonholed with the said letter.

In the Treaty of Berlin, in 1877, stipulation was made for their betterment in governance, and we are now told that in 1880 Turkey framed a scheme for such, and pigeonholed it. At last, under unendurable conditions, spontaneous combustion has followed.

When Peter Cooper bought the first lot there in Eighteen Hundred Thirty-six, the site was at the extreme north limit of the city. Later, A. T. Stewart was to build his business palace near at hand. Cooper offered his block of land to the city, gratis, provided a school would be built according to his plans. His offer was smilingly pigeonholed.

Even the officers of the Washington Trust Company, who were of indubitable respectability and prominence in their own community, everything that bankers should be, had neither mental nor spiritual elevation, and coarsely pigeonholed their ideas about life as they had done with Adelle.

Louis by way of the Southwestern territories to San Francisco was best. In 1855 Senator W. M. Gwinn of California, who had conceived the idea with F. B. Ficklin, general-superintendent of the Russel, Majors & Waddel Co., introduced a bill in Congress for bringing the mails by horseback on the northern route, but the measure was pigeonholed. Snow in the mountains was the main argument against it.

Long after the case was pigeonholed by the unintelligent care of M. le Juge d'Instruction Faure, the newspapers made efforts, at intervals, to fathom the mystery. One evening paper alone, which knew all the gossip of the theaters, said: "We recognize the touch of the Opera ghost." And even that was written by way of irony.

Resolutions pending in the House and Senate prohibiting them from doing so had been pigeonholed in committee. President Wilson had interposed, urging that no action be taken on them.

This report has been pigeonholed by the President, and I have now come to New York to see what can be done to get the evidence before the public. You will understand that the head of a department, having made a report to the President, can do nothing further with the material until the President permits."