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The cabbages were apparently boiled with meat, as nowadays, and also used considerably for "sour-krout" and for pickling, with which the Leyden people had doubtless become familiar during their residence among the Dutch. As anti-scorbutics they were of much value. The same was true of onions, whether pickled, salted, raw, or boiled.

Call you it pickling? Truly it pickled me. My life was saved by miracle." "By canary," said brother Michael. "Canary is the only life preserver, the true aurum potabile, the universal panacea for all diseases, thirst, and short life. Your life was saved by canary."

This one gave way to rage and temper when things were pickling and there was no room for such luxuries in a fracas. Max was yelling something from behind, something that didn't come through in the bedlam that had suddenly engulfed the Bécsikapu.

She could read any English book without much spelling; but for pickling, preserving, and cookery, none could excel her. She prided herself also upon being an excellent contriver in housekeeping; though I could never find that we grew richer with all her contrivances." This elementary means of portrayal has the obvious advantage of succinctness.

The proposition of pickling a limited number of eggs and selling them for "cooking" purposes, explaining just what they are, ought to offer something of a solution, although, to the writer's knowledge, it has not been done. Improved Methods of Marketing Farm-Grown Eggs. The loss to the farmers of this country from the careless handling of eggs is something enormous.

The pickling had to go forward, and one of the best listeners in the Sewing Society was forced to remain away in consequence. "I guess you'll have to go a " she called across the open space between their kitchen doors when she saw Susan putting on her black mitts in the window about two o'clock, the hour at which they usually sallied forth in company.

The work implies an imperfect yet real love of beauty, the leisure for it a degree of pecuniary ease: the thoughts of the sisters rise above the pickling and preserving that occupied their heartier and happier mother; they are in fact in that aesthetic, social, and intellectual mean, in which single women are thought soonest to wither and decline.

She had been learning housekeeping in all its branches under the experienced tuition of Miss Recompense and Dinah. A girl who did not know everything from the roasting of a turkey to the making of sack-posset, and through all the gradations of pickling and preserving, was not considered "finished." Doris was very fond of the wide out-of-doors.

In salt pickling cover your jars or kegs with a clean, white cloth, then a cover made of wood and last a heavy stone to weigh it down. The cloth must be removed every other day, washed and put back. In doing this, take hold of the cloth at each corner, so that none of the slimy substance can get into your pickle, and wash the top and sides of the jar also.

In the Management of Cockles for pickling, or for eating any other way, let the Shells be very well wash'd, and then lay the Cockles in a Pan of Salt and Water for two or three days, to scour themselves from the Sand that is in them at their first taking; but observe to shift the Salt and Water every day.