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And no further gone than last Sunday pfu!" "Listen!" says the old man, sternly cutting short the torrent of invective. "You must take at least two shares and a half. If you cannot manage it yourself, you can get some one to help you." "How can that be? Where am I to get the money to pay a labourer?" asks the woman, with much wailing and a flood of tears.

Surely Aglaya hasn't fallen in love with such a gaby! What an idea! Pfu! we ought all to be put under glass cases myself first of all and be shown off as curiosities, at ten copecks a peep!" "I shall never forgive you for all this, Ivan Fedorovitch never! Look at her now. Why doesn't she make fun of him? She said she would, and she doesn't. Look there!

"Yes, yes, I am sure of it; I know I can depend upon you fully, and I mean to do so now at once. You know, you have heard, that Lord Blackadder is here, and actually in this hotel?" "I came with him. I was watching that fellow, the detective Falfani, when his lordship came upon the scene. We had words, a quarrel, almost a fight." "Pfu! He would not fight!

"Art Thou married?" asked the prince. "Pfu! when I have a woman and place for a person and a half, I am married; but for the rest of the time I am single. I have been in the army, and I know that a woman is good, though not at all times. She is in the way often." "Perhaps Thou wouldst come to me for service? Who knows, wouldst Thou be sorry to work for me?"

"He doesn't recognize Rogojin!" He did not move an inch, however. "I have met you somewhere, I believe, but " "Met me somewhere, pfu! Why, it's only three months since I lost two hundred roubles of my father's money to you, at cards. The old fellow died before he found out. Ptitsin knows all about it.

You never asked me not to mention it." "Pfu! what a wretched room this is dark, and the window looking into the yard. Your coming to our house is, in no respect, opportune. However, it's not MY affair. I don't keep the lodgings."

"Get out, keep your distance!" shouted Rogojin. "What are you shouting about there!" cried Nastasia "I'm not yours yet. I may kick you out for all you know I haven't taken your money yet; there it all is on the table Here, give me over that packet! Is there a hundred thousand roubles in that one packet? Pfu! what abominable stuff it looks! "Fancy him nursing me! Why, he needs a nurse himself!

I don't mind saying it to everyone I'd buy him off for a hundred roubles, any day pfu! Give him a thousand, or three if he likes, poor devil' and he'd cut and run the day before his wedding, and leave his bride to me! Wouldn't you, Gania, you blackguard? You'd take three thousand, wouldn't you? Here's the money! Look, I've come on purpose to pay you off and get your receipt, formally.