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Another dark night, twenty thousand bricks were trampled so noiselessly that the perpetrators were neither seen nor heard.

Perhaps it was the will of heaven. You see how favourably, providence has interposed in behalf of the reigning empress of Russia, first in removing her husband: secondly in ordaining the assassination of prince Ivan, for which the perpetrators have been so liberally rewarded; it even seems determined to shorten the life of her own son, the only surviving rival from whom she had any thing to fear.

Let us first consider the visitations that have marked the falling fortunes of Shí’ih Islám. God, the Fiercest of Avengers, was lying in wait, pledgednot to forgive any man’s injustice.” The scourge of His chastisement, swift, sudden and terrible, was, at long last, let loose upon the perpetrators of these iniquities.

Poisoning wells, for example, was quite a favourite and pleasant Hun trick when the perpetrators of the outrage were all able to place a safe distance between them and their foes; it was quite another matter when the officer responsible for the dastardly deeds was a prisoner of war.

The sheriff made gallant attempts to enforce the law, but his deputies were killed, and a legal investigation in which two hundred persons were examined, failed to reveal the perpetrators of the crime. The militia were called out, but they were no more successful than the sheriff.

Nothing was done to punish the crime, as the lynchers were men of property and influence in the country. No man dared speak above his breath about the affair. Captain Hall, by secret-service men, discovered the perpetrators, and also that they were to be gathered at a wedding on a certain night.

The virtuous become endowed with great virtues, and sinful men become the perpetrators of wicked deeds. Men's actions follow them; and influenced by these, they are born again." The Brahmana enquired, "Why does the spirit take its birth, and why does its nativity become sinful or virtuous, and how, O good man, does it come to belong to a sinful or virtuous race?"

"'Miscreants unknown," read my grandfather, following the paragraph with his forefinger; "'escaped from the bridewell, leaving no clew to their identity, except the letter H, cut on one of the benches. 'Five dollars reward offered for the apprehension of the perpetrators. Sho! I hope Wingate will catch them."

It was difficult to carry on such operations in open day, lest the perpetrators should be recognized; for the cup of their misdemeanors once filled, they were liable to be arraigned at their next peccadillo before the police courts; and they therefore judiciously selected the night time for the performance of their mischievous pranks.

Little Archie had obviously been a witness of that catastrophe and kidnapped to prevent his revealing the identity of its perpetrators.