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Virgil perhaps had tended his father's flock, as he pictures himself doing under the guise of Tityrus; certainly he spent many hours of youth "patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi" steeping his Celtic soul with the beauty and the melancholy poetry of the Lombard landscape: and so he came to know and to love bird and flower and the external aspects of

And guess what he replied? That he thought of a recipe of Stendhal's to recite from memory four Latin verses, before firing. 'And might one know what you chose? I asked of him. Thereupon he repeated: 'Tityre, tu patulae recubens!"

The book was a Delphin edition of 1798, which had followed him in all his wanderings; there was a great scratch on the sheep-skin cover that a thorn had made in a forest of Alabama. And then, in the twilight, as he shut the volume at last, oblivious of my presence, he began to murmur and to chant the adorable verses by memory. Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi,

And guess what he replied? That he thought of a recipe of Stendhal's to recite from memory four Latin verses, before firing. 'And might one know what you chose? I asked of him. Thereupon he repeated: 'Tityre, tu patulae recubens.!"

Will Tityre tu patulae, as they ca' it, tell him where Rashleigh Osbaldistone is? or Macbeth, and all his kernes and galla-glasses, and your awn to boot, Rob, procure him five thousand pounds to answer the bills which fall due ten days hence, were they a' rouped at the Cross, basket-hilts, Andra-Ferraras, leather targets, brogues, brochan, and sporrans?"

Will Tityre tu patulae, as they ca' it, tell him where Rashleigh Osbaldistone is? or Macbeth, and all his kernes and galla-glasses, and your awn to boot, Rob, procure him five thousand pounds to answer the bills which fall due ten days hence, were they a' rouped at the Cross, basket-hilts, Andra-Ferraras, leather targets, brogues, brochan, and sporrans?"

When he published them he placed at the very beginning the well-known line that recalled Messalla's own line: Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi. What can this mean but a graceful reminder to Messalla that it was he who had inspired the new effort? We may conclude then that Vergil's use of that line as the title of his Eclogues is a recognition of Messalla's influence.

The Pilgrim discharged her hides, which set us at work again, and in a few days we were in the old routine of dry hides, wet hides, cleaning, beating, &c. Captain Faucon came quietly up to me, as I was sitting upon a stretched hide, cutting the meat from it with my knife, and asked me how I liked California, and repeated, ``Tityre, tu patulae recubans subtegmine fagi.

Mary Bartley then lowered her parasol, and settled into the Colonel's chair under the shade patulae fagi of the wide-spreading beech-tree. She sat down and sighed. Monckton eyed her from his lurking-place, and made a shrewd guess who she was, but resolved to know. Presently Hope caught a glimpse of her, and came forward and leaned out of the window to enjoy the sight of her.

He delighted in producing Latin quotations, and an hour before his death, the poor lad, having noticed that almost all the trees in the forest of Hanau were beeches, whose branches stretched out to make a sort of roof, had thought it a suitable occasion to declaim one of Virgil's eclogues, beginning: "Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi..."