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I kicked his hat into the courtyard, and he went after it, and that was the last of him till he showed up with Abdulla. How could I know that he could do harm in that way? Or in any way at that! Any local rising I could put down easy with my own men and with Patalolo's help." "Oh! yes. Patalolo. No good. Eh? Did you try him at all?" "Didn't I!" exclaimed Almayer.

Now he could not go back unless he called up the Rajah's people to get a boat and rowers and the way to Patalolo's campong led past Aissa's house!

"He had been away from the house for a couple of months living with that woman. I only heard about him now and then from Patalolo's people when they came over. Well one day, about noon, he appeared in this courtyard, as if he had been jerked up from hell-where he belongs."

Was he a government? Who made him ruler? He took possession of Patalolo's mind and made his heart hard; he put severe words into his mouth and caused his hand to strike right and left. That unbeliever kept the Faithful panting under the weight of his senseless oppression. They had to trade with him accept such goods as he would give such credit as he would accord.

Then, turning to Lakamba, he begged him to rule justly during his Patalolo's absence There was a bit of play-acting there. Lakamba said he was unworthy of the honourable burden, and Patalolo insisted. Poor old fool! It must have been bitter to him. They made him actually entreat that scoundrel. Fancy a man compelled to beg of a robber to despoil him! But the old Rajah was so frightened.

Some Arab got into her, and the boat went towards Patalolo's landing-place. It seems they had been refused admittance so they say. I think myself that the water-gate was not unbarred quick enough to please the exalted messenger. At any rate I saw the boat come back almost directly. I was looking on, rather interested, when I saw Willems and some more go forward very busy about something there.

That woman was also amongst them. Ah, that woman . . ." Almayer choked, and seemed on the point of having a relapse, but by a violent effort regained a comparative composure. "All of a sudden," he continued "bang! They fired a shot into Patalolo's gate, and before I had time to catch my breath I was startled, you may believe they sent another and burst the gate open.

There were rumours of a missing trading prau belonging to Menado, but they were vague and remained mysterious. Babalatchi told a story which it must be said in justice to Patalolo's knowledge of the world was not believed.