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"I suppose they ought to do them in one innings now?" "Ought to try," says Tipper. "Some of these kids play fairly well." "They get well coached, that's what it is. What with Bloomfield, and Fairbairn, and Mr Parrett, they've been drilled, and no mistake." "Let's see," says Wibberly, "there are five Parretts in the eleven, aren't there." Ashley laughs.

Finally one or two of the schoolhouse fellows, such as Fairbairn, Coates, and Porter, withdrew, and the Parrett faction, having it then pretty much their own way, drew up the following petition: "We the undersigned monitors respectfully hope you will reconsider your decision as to the New Captain.

Mr Parrett nodded. "A change of some sort must be made," said the doctor. "It has occurred to me, Parrett, quite recently, that Riddell might do better there." Mr Parrett opened his eyes wide. "You are astonished," said the doctor. "So was I when I first thought of it. But Riddell is a safe man, if slow, and his influence is just what is wanted in Welch's.

"I know you well, Owen, though it is plain that you would not have it so. Mind you the day when I met Gerent at the Parrett bridge? I do not often forget a face, and I saw you then, and asked who you were.

Thralls know and tell these things to men of their own sort, though they seem to know nothing if you ask them, Thane." "Then you wrote the letters?" "I had them written by the old priest of Combwich by the Parrett River, who will tell you that he did so. I took them myself to the palaces for you." "And was it you who slew Tregoz?" "Ay, with that seax you gave me back at the Caerau wolf's den.

Now, you see, unless I am mistaken, they will give quite as good an account of themselves at the wickets as they did on the field." And off strolled the honest Mr Parrett, bat in hand, to umpire, leaving his hearers not a little impressed with the force of his views on the first principles of cricket. The master's prophecy was correct.

The appearance of a Parrett monitor "on duty" in the schoolhouse was always a strange spectacle; and Game, when he discovered into whose study he had marched, was a trifle embarrassed. "What is it, Game?" asked Riddell, civilly. "I want Telson," said Game, who, by the way, had scarcely spoken to the new captain since his appointment. "What do you want?" said Telson, boldly.

Brent Knoll is a conspicuous eminence of lias, drowned with a cap of inferior oolite, about 450 ft. above sea-level and four acres in extent. It commands a splendid view, embracing the Mendips and Quantocks, Glastonbury Tor, the Channel, and the River Parrett. Brent, South, 1 m. from Brent Knoll Station, has a church very picturesquely situated on the side of the knoll.

So we rode along the ancient and grass-grown Roman road that lies on the Polden ridge, hardly travelled save by a few chapmen, since the old town they called Uxella was lost in the days of my forefathers. The road had no ending now, as one may say, for beyond the turning to the bridge across the Parrett for which we were making it passed to nought but fen and mere where once had been the city.

The first thing Mr Parrett had done on regaining his room after that "bad quarter of an hour" with his juniors was to throw himself into a chair and laugh heartily. The fact was, his sense of humour was inconveniently acute for the master of a public school, so that what would strike other masters as a heinous offence, occurred to him more as a ludicrous chapter of accidents.