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A gulf might be fixed just where you wanted a causeway, and of this though he had feigned to inquire about it so innocently of the honest park-keeper Richard Yorke was well aware. He had, as has been hinted, come down to Crompton with the express view of throwing himself in the way of its eccentric master, and to do so opportunely, and he was content to bide his time.

One evening he stopped one of the park-keepers and questioned him. Yes, the man remembered her quite well: the young lady with the fawn gloves. She had come once or twice maybe oftener, the park-keeper could not be sure and had waited. No, there had been nothing to show that she was in any way upset.

The fire of those baleful eyes, of that bellowing voice, struck terror into the aged heart. He clutched his stick. "Oh dear, oh dear," said he; hobbled away at a speed dangerous to his life and limbs to seek protection of a park-keeper. The sobs grew longer, less hysterical: changed into long "ohs" of misery; died away. "There, there," said George, patting, dabbing. "There, there."

As they paced slowly on, admiring the different points of view, for which Sir William Ashton, notwithstanding the nature of his usual avocations, had considerable taste and feeling, they were overtaken by the forester, or park-keeper, who, intent on silvan sport, was proceeding with his cross-bow over his arm, and a hound led in leash by his boy, into the interior of the wood.

At Lyme Park, the splendid old seat of the Leghs in Cheshire, "a very remarkable custom," says Lysons, "of driving the red deer, which has not been practiced in any other park, either in England or abroad, was established about a century ago by an old park-keeper, who occupied that position for seventy years, dying at over one hundred years of age.

"Well, I was brought up in 'em, as you may say," said Annie, whose father had been a park-keeper, and whose mother and grandmother were natives of Westbourne Grove. By a quiet day Rosamund meant a day lived through in absolute solitude, a day of meditation in the cloistered garden. She would not have any lunch.

Your Hound, Russ, dreams of you plunging into the Serpentine after a Canadian Goose, with your topper floating behind you, or Anonyma with her tongue hanging out, scratching at a little mousehole in Piccadilly. It is humiliating, isn't it? Anyway, before breakfast, Russ's Hound and I went and jumped over things in the Gardens. The park-keeper mistook us for young lambs."

They made themselves particularly objectionable in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park; but she found that an appeal to a policeman or a Park-keeper, or to any decent workman, was enough to stop the nuisance.

Passing through an alley of the forest, she was met by a man a park-keeper of Frankl's a German Jew, who had once handed her a note from Frankl. And he, on seeing her, said: "Here have I a letter for your brother". "Who from?" she asked. "That may I not say".

Norah's strong hand drew me down again. I was in the broad walk, Regent's Park, where, I remembered, Norah often walked before breakfast. A park-keeper, the only other human creature within sight, was eyeing me suspiciously. I saw myself without a looking-glass unkempt, ragged. My intention was to run, but Norah was holding me by the arm. Savagely I tried to shake her off.