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"'And don't you know, rejoined Vengeance, 'that that's all a parcel of the most lying stuff possible; lies lies all lies and vagabondism? Why, Mick, you Papishes worship the priests; you think they can bring you to heaven at a word. By the light of day, they must have good sport laughing at you, when they get among one another.

"Oh, as to that," said another, "it was made up by their friends; but what's to be done? All the evidence is against him, and we are on our oaths to find a verdict according to the evidence." "Evidence be hanged," said another; "I'll sit here till doom's-day before I find him guilty. Are we, that are all loyal Protestants, to bring out a varjuice to please the Papishes?

"Confound him," said a fresh hand; "I'd not drink his cursed Papish whiskey. Sure the Papishes gets the priest to christen it for them. I wouldn't drink his cursed Papish whiskey."

"You may laugh if it pleases you," said McConkey, "but I'm thinking it's time for loyal men to be getting guns of their own when the Government is that thick with rebels and Papishes that they'd go shooting at the ould Queen who was always a decent woman, so she was, and too good for the like of them." McConkey's story was perfectly true.

Wasn't my grandfather a Tory hunter, who houghed and hanged more bloody Papishes "'Who's that, said Bob, 'talking about hanging Papishes? Where where are they to be hanged? Under God, I have seen more of the villains hanged than any other frail sinner in the province. Oh, it is a consoling a sustaining sight!

"Come, come, boys, it's all right. He has described the barn to a hair. That will do, my Papish old cock. Come, I say, as every man must have a religion, and since the Papishes won't have ours, why the devil shouldn't they have one of their own?" "That's dangerous talk," said Steen, "to proceed from your lips, sergeant.

"'And I'll tell you more, said another of them, addressing John M'Loughlin, 'do you think, that if he dared to put Papishes on a level with us, that we'd suffer it? By Gog, you're out of it if you do we know a horse of another color, my buck.

The pride of the M'Loughlins has got a fall at last and indeed they desarved it; for they held their heads as upsettin' as if they were dacent Protestants, and them nothing but Papishes affeher all." "Go home, now," said Poll; "go home all of yez. You've seen enough, and too much.

There's two or three nice young gentlemen come'd round here now, but they're all what's-'em-a-call it? some sort o' papishes; leastwise, they has prayers in the church every day, and doesn't preach the Gospel, no how, I hears by my wife, and she knows all about it, along of going to meeting. Then there's one over thereaway, as had to leave his living he knows why. He got safe over seas.

He's a Protestant champion, they say; but I say he's a Protestant bloodhound, and a cowardly rascal to boot." "How is he a cowardly rascal, Bob? Hasn't' he proved himself a brave man against the Papishes? eh?"