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"What does this mean?" asked Jill, grabbing me in the hall on our way to bed. "You'd better get another novel from the cook and find out," I said grouchily. I was disgusted with things in general and Dick in particular. The three weeks that followed were awful. Dick never came near Owlwood. Jill and I fought every day, we were so cross and disappointed.

Dick came to Owlwood that's our place; I hate these explanations quite a lot, even before Aunt Tommy came. He and Father were chums; they had been in college together and Father said Dick was the best football player he ever knew. Jill and I soon got acquainted with him and this was another uncanny thing. We had never thought it possible to get acquainted with a minister.

If I were in Aunt Tommy's place I mightn't want a man to know I cried about him, but I was quite sure I'd rather have him know than have him stay away because he didn't know. So I spoke right up. "No, I don't, Mr. Richmond; Aunt Tommy does care you just ask her. She cries every blessed night because you never come to Owlwood." "Oh, Elizabeth!" said Dick.

I never meant to tell her I cared for her but I couldn't help going to Owlwood, even though I knew it was a weakness on my part. So now that I'm out of the habit of going I think it would be wisest to stay out. It hurts dreadfully, but it would hurt worse after a while. Don't you agree with me, Miss Elizabeth?" I thought hard and fast.

Pinky's name is James, but Jill and I always called him Pinky because we couldn't bear him. He took to calling at Owlwood and one evening he took Aunt Tommy out driving. Then Jill came to me. "Something has got to be done," she said resolutely. "I am not going to have Pinky Carewe for an Uncle Tommy and that is all there is about it.

The very next evening he came down to Owlwood. We hadn't expected him until Tuesday, for he never came Monday night before. That is Father's night for going to a lodge meeting. Mother was away this time too. I met Dick on the porch and took him into the parlour, thinking what a bully talk we could have all alone together, without Jill bothering around.

You don't know how squelched I felt. And I knew I would have to promise, too, for Dick can make me do anything he likes. When we got to Owlwood I left Dick in the parlour and flew up to Aunt Tommy's room. I found her all scrunched up on her bed in the dark with her face in the pillows. "Aunt Tommy, Dick is down in the parlour and he wants to see you," I said. Didn't Aunt Tommy fly up, though!