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I dink I make up some boetry apout him," and the German boy began: "Der vos von lettle sphider Vot lifed owid in der voot, He made himself a leetle veb Und said dot it vos goot." "Hurrah, for Hans!" cried Tom. "He's the true poet of spiderdom!" and then he added: "Hans, we'll crown you poet laureate if you say so." "I ton't von no crown," answered Hans, complacently.

Soon a small boat was over the side and this was manned by the mate, Bossermann, Wingate and a sailor named Ulligan, a fellow noted for his laziness and untrustworthiness. Without delay the small boat set out for the Josephine. "I don't like this at all," said Fred. "Those fellows mean mischief as sure as you are born!" "I dink da vos hatch owid somedings mid dot Merrick," said Hans.

But before he could manage it, the thing was given a toss and up he went, high into the air. "Oh! Mine cracious!" he gasped and came down with a crash, to go up again an instant later. Then up and down went the boy, turning over and over, until he was all but dazed. "Stop! Murder! Fire! Robbers!" he roared. "Let me owid, kvick! I vos turning outsides in alretty! Oh, stop, von't you, blease!"

He and some of the others started to do so, but soon came to a place where walking became uncertain and dangerous. Song bird went into one hole up to his waist and poor Hans disappeared entirely. "Hellup! hellup!" roared the German boy. "Bull me owid, somepody!" Aleck was close at hand, and reaching down into the hole he got hold of Hans' hand.

Tom wanted to "let her out," as he put it, but Nellie demurred and so he kept to the rear as before. "But some day I am going to have a machine of my own," said he, "and it is going to do some speeding, I can tell you that." "Yah, and der first dings you know, Dom, you vos ub a dree odder you sphlit a rock insides owid," warned Hans. "Ven I ride so fast like dot I valk, I pet you!"

"I dink me you vos left der Hall for goot, yah!" "Hans Mueller!" came from Sam. "Then you are going back, too? I thought you had scarlet fever?" "Not much I ain't," said the German youth. "I vos eat too much of dem puckveat cakes alretty, und dot makes mine face preak owid, put I ain't got no scarlet fefers, nein! How you vos alretty annahow?" And he shook hands as Larry had done.