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For instance, the inhabitants of Otaheite, who, when first discovered, were governed by hereditary kings, had arrived at a far higher grade than another branch of the same people, the New Zealanders, who, although benefited by being compelled to turn their attention to agriculture, were republicans in the most absolute sense.

This perhaps is something on the same principle as the gout is accounted among us, an evidence of a person's being rich; for it appears, that the common people in general are as unable to procure the yava in Otaheite, as they are on our side of the world to indulge in luxurious living.

They particularly delighted in harmonic effects, and before long were willing to do anything for the foreigner who could pipe on the wood as well as any bird. He became a hero at Otaheite, but was obliged to continue on his journey. He next visited Australia, and while in Sydney he made such a success that he was presented with the freedom of the city and thanked by the government for his playing.

A breadfruit of Timor weighs half as much more as one of equal size at Otaheite. It is not used here as bread but generally eaten with milk and sugar. At Backennassy I saw about twenty of the trees, larger than any I have seen at Otaheite. Here is also a sort of breadfruit tree that produces seeds not unlike Windsor beans and equally palatable either boiled or roasted.

And from this we may observe that the inhabitant of Otaheite, instead of being obliged to plant his bread, will RATHER be under the necessity of preventing its progress; which I suppose is sometimes done to give room for trees of another sort, to afford him some variety in his food. The breadfruit trees are planted, and flourish with great luxuriance, on rising grounds.

The young ladies of Otaheite, as you may see in Cook's Voyages, had a sort of crinoline arrangement fully equal in radius to the largest spread of our own lady-baskets. When I fling a Bay-State shawl over my shoulders, I am only taking a lesson from the climate that the Indian had learned before me.

Some horses had been brought out, on two of which the captains rode daily over the plains of Matavai, to the great astonishment of the natives, who on all occasions assembled to witness this, to them, extraordinary feat. Leaving Otaheite, Cook the next day landed at Eimeo, where one of the goats he carried to stock their islands was stolen.

Two months before, Otaheite had renounced the English flag, in order to adopt one of its own, but that pacific revolution in no wise diminished the confidence which the people placed in their missionaries. The latter received the French travellers in a friendly manner, and supplied them at the usual prices with the stores of which they stood in need.

Several suspicious circumstances had been noticed as to her sex, and something amounting to a discovery of it had been made, it seems, by the very discerning people of Otaheite; but now, she came to Bougainville, her face covered with tears, and confessed it, giving a history of herself, and an explanation of her reasons for undertaking so romantic an expedition.

How that information was received, and with what weakness on the part of the Britannulists, I now proceed to tell. I confess that I for one was not at first prepared to obey. We were small, but we were independent, and owed no more of submission to Great Britain than we do to the Salomon Islands or to Otaheite.