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Updated: August 27, 2024

"Nevertheless," Mayer snapped, "we've got to break the backs of the barons and the Temple monks. Get messages off to Baron Leonar and young Mannerheim, to Russ and Olderman. We'll want them to put pressure on their local politicians. What we need is a continental alliance for this war." Gunther said, "Should I get in touch with Rykov? He's still over there." Mayer hesitated. "No," he said.

"Believe me, Honorable," Mayer said dryly, "by that time I will have new weapons to introduce, if necessary. Weapons that make this one a very toy in comparison." Olderman resumed his office as spokesman. "This demonstration has astounded us, Honorable Mayer, but although we admire your abilities it need hardly be pointed out that it seems unlikely all this could be the product of one brain."

He said, "You probably realize that this group consists of the twenty most powerful merchants on the continent." Olderman nodded. "We have been discussing your purpose in bringing us together, Honorable Mayer. All of us are not friends." He twisted his face in amusement. "In fact, very few of us are friends."

Olderman stared down at the printed lines, scowled in concentration, wet his lips in sudden comprehension. But it was merchant Russ who blurted, "This will revolutionize the inscribing of books. Why, it can well take it out of the hands of the Temple! With such a machine I could make a hundred books " Mayer was beaming. "Not a hundred, Honorable, but a hundred thousand!"

"Honorables, modernize or go under. It's each man for himself and the devil take the hindmost, if you'll allow a saying from another era." They remained silent for a long period. Finally Olderman stated bluntly, "The barons are not going to like this." Jerry Kennedy grinned. "Obviously, that's why we've introduced you to the tommy gun. It's not going to make any difference if they like it or not."

One of his guests grumbled, "Who were actually probably soldiers of the local baron who had decided that although you had paid him transit fee, it still might be profitable to go through your goods." Mayer nodded. "Exactly, my dear Honorable, and that is why we've gathered." Olderman had evidently assumed spokesmanship for the others. Now he said warily, "I don't understand."

I have not introduced these revolutionary changes without self-interest. Each of you are free to use them to his profit, however, I expect a thirty per cent interest." There was a universal gasp. Olderman said, "Honorable Mayer, you have already demonstrated your devices. What is there to prevent us from playing you false?" Mayer laughed.

"Now, if you'll note the silhouette of a man I've drawn on the wooden frame at the end of the room." He pressed the trigger, sent a single shot into the figure. Olderman nodded. "An improvement in firearms. But " Kennedy said, "However, if you are confronted with more than one of the bad guys."

"My dear Olderman, I have other inventions to reveal as rapidly as you develop the technicians, the workers, capable of building and operating them. If you cheat me now, you will be passed by next time." Russ muttered, "Thirty per cent! Your wealth will be unbelievable." "As fast as it accumulates, Honorables, it shall be invested.

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