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See that short, fat man playing cards with the little one at that table?" He indicated a table near the rear of the barroom, visible through an archway that opened from the room in which a clerk with a thin, narrow face and an alert eye presided at a rough desk. "That's Maison Tom Maison, Okar's banker. They tell me he'd skin his grandmother if he thought he could make a dollar out of the deal."

The woman who was caring for the girl sat near an open window that looked out upon Okar's one street when Maison entered the room. Maison asked her if there was any change; was told there was not.

Sanderson got up, reeling, and went to the window. Darkness had come; he could see Okar's lights flickering and winking at him from the buildings that skirted the street. Various sounds reached his ears Okar's citizens were enjoying themselves. Sanderson did not watch the lights long.

Before we die let us leave a memorial in the palace of Okar's tyrant that will stand forever in the annals of Kadabra to the honor and glory of Helium," for I had seen that all the prisoners there were men of Tardos Mors's navy. Then the first guardsman was upon me and the fight was on, but scarce did we engage ere, to my horror, I saw that the red slaves were shackled to the floor.

The buildings mostly of one story did not interest Sanderson, for he had seen their kind many times, and his interest centered upon the people. "Different from Tombstone," he told Owen as the two entered the hotel. "Tombstone is cattle Okar is cattle and business. I sort of like cattle better." Owen grinned. "Cattle are too slow for some of Okar's men," he said.

And if Barney Will, had killed him that day if he had really hanged him, and Dale had died from it I should have kept seeing Dale as he was hanging there all my life." "It was Dale's day," said Sanderson. "And Okar's!" declared the girl. "The town has taken on a new spirit since those men have left. And the whole basin has changed. Men are more interested and eager.

I ran my blade straight through the rotten heart of Okar's rotten ruler, and before the white, drawn faces of his nobles Salensus Oll rolled, grinning in horrible death, to the foot of the steps below his marriage throne. For a moment tense silence reigned in the nuptial-room. Then the fifty nobles rushed upon me.

He turned and went out, closing the door behind him. He had not intended to have his talk with Tom Maison, Okar's banker, until the following morning. But upon returning to Okar's street he saw Maison ahead of him on the sidewalk.

After a while Maison sat up. It seemed to him that he had been in bed for an age, though actually the time was not longer than an hour. It had been late when he had left the room downstairs. And now he listened for sounds that would tell him that Okar's citizens were still busy with their pleasures. But no sound came from the street.

Two glittering lines of steel that came from out of the obscurity of distance eastward skirted Okar's buildings and passed westward into an obscurity equally distant. The country around Okar was devoted to cattle. Sanderson's practiced eye told him that.