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He is a soldier, out by Fort Larmie." "Yes?" said Davies, smiling. "Then perhaps I'll see him some day. I expect to be out there before long." "And you are a soldier, too! Ach Gott! ein offizier?" she exclaimed, in consternation, born of German associations. "Not yet, though I suppose I shall be very soon. What is your boy's regiment?"

Two or three of the Boches seemed to be particularly interested in me, and after they had walked round me once or twice with sullen curiosity stamped on their faces, one came up and said "Offizier?" I nodded my head, which means "Yes" in most languages, and, besides, I can't talk German.

"Deliver your message." The German, standing in his stirrups, shouted a demand for the instant surrender of the garrison, promising honourable treatment if the terms were complied with, and stating that the investing troops were fully aware of the weak numbers of the British patrol. "You might have spared yourself the trouble, Herr Offizier," replied the patrol commander. "We mean to stick it."

They begged Gerhardt to be allowed to do something. Couldn't they carry the officers' equipment on the march? No, they were too buggy; they might relieve the sanitary squad. Oh, that they would gladly do, Herr Offizier! The plan was to get to Rupprecht trench and take it before nightfall.

An unteroffizier ordered us to march by, one by one, to give the Herr Offizier "Augen Links" in the German fashion, and to the post, which represented another officer, an "Augen Rechts" when we should come to it. "I'll see him in hell first," I muttered to the man next me. I was in the lead of the party. I shook with excitement and fear of I knew not what.

And softly, so softly that none could hear it but himself, sounded the ironical benediction of Schwandorf: "Sleep well, offizier americanisch! Dream on, poor fool! In time you will wake up. Ja, you will wake up!"

Wanda came to my door and banged on it with what sounded like a saucepan, and I daresay was, for she wouldn't waste time leaving off stirring the pudding while she went to open the front door, and she called out very loud, "Der Herr Offizier ist schon wieder da." All the flat must have heard her, and so did Herr von Inster.