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They thought that they understood how to govern a nation because they had thoroughly mastered the mysteries of bookkeeping in problematical financial undertakings. He leaned on the parapet of the little observatory which surmounted the summer-house and lost himself in a day dream which, though long, I felt I had better not interrupt.

When he gave up his printing house he went to live at No. 1, Rue Cassini, in a quarter which at that time was almost deserted, between the Observatory and the Maternity Hospital. He brought his furniture with him and fitted up his rooms in accordance with his own tastes and resources.

Then there's the observatory of Chicago; and I think he has a letter to make him beknown to a gentleman in the observatory at Marseilles and he wants to go to Vienna and Poulkowa, too, he means to take in his way there being great instruments and a lot of astronomers at each place. 'Does he take Europe or America first? she asked faintly, for the account seemed hopeless. Mrs.

Then there were the kitchen garden and the vineyard easily identified and tended with care. The fountains, the observatory, the casino, where the Pope spent the hot days of summer, showed merely like little white spots in those undulating grounds, walled in like any other estate, but with the fearsome rampart of the fourth Leo, which yet retained its fortress-like aspect.

Professor O. M. Mitchell, the founder and first director of the Cincinnati Observatory, made the masses of our intelligent people acquainted with the leading facts of astronomy by courses of lectures which, in lucidity and eloquence, have never been excelled. The immediate object of the lectures was to raise funds for establishing his observatory and fitting it out with a fine telescope.

Year after year went away into nothing, with great explosions and outcries in the cities on the plain: red revolt springing up and being suppressed in blood, battle swaying hither and thither, patient astronomers in observatory towers picking out and christening new stars, plays being performed in lighted theatres, people being carried into hospital on stretchers, and all the usual turmoil and agitation of men's lives in crowded centres.

Rrisa, the silent and discreet, brought them up in the private elevator from the forty-first floor to the Master's apartment on the top story of the building, then up the stairway to the observatory, and thus ushered them into the presence of the Master and Bohannan. Each man was personally known to one or the other, who vouched absolutely for his secrecy, valor, and good faith.

The listeners nodded and Arcot continued. "Well I had an idea and when I went downstairs for the handling machine, I called the Lunar Observatory." He couldn't quite keep a note of triumph out of his voice. "Gentlemen some of the planets have been misbehaving! The outermost planets, and even some of those closer to the sun have not been moving as they should.

Precautions for the Security of the Ships and their Stores And for the Health and Comfort of the Crews. Establishment of Theatrical Entertainments and Schools. Erection of an Observatory and House on Shore. State of Health at this Period. Partial Disruption of the Ice in the Bay. Anchors and Cables taken to the Shore.

The year following Congress made the preliminary appropriation for the commencement of the new building, but no notice was taken of the recommendation of the academy. In 1891 the new buildings were approaching completion, and Secretary Tracy entered upon the question of the proper administration of the observatory.