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I must go this minute, before search parties are sent out for me. But I'll see you to-morrow Eleanor, for I need your help." Just then Miss Nevin, who had left the room, returned with a tray on which were tiny sandwiches and a pot of chocolate. "You must have some refreshment, Grace," she said. "Eleanor, do the honors."

Nevin; "often it is I've told Marie, as there she stands, that her father don't ought to trust the fish-sellin' too much to that Pierre: a lad as could rob his own grandmother the moment the life was out o' her body." "Well, Mother, you've often told me about that five franc piece, but nobody can't say that she hadn't given it him before she died, as he said "

This had angered Miss Nevin to the extent that she had immediately ordered Eleanor to her room without telling her from whom she had received her information.

A hot flush rose to his brow, and he hesitated to open a letter from Nevin which also awaited his attention. But he forced himself to the task and read that which completed his humility. Mrs. Duveen had died of heart-failure two months before, whilst Paul had been abroad, and Flamby was an orphan.

I should never have dared dashing up to a haunted house to investigate uncanny lights." "My dear child," exclaimed Miss Nevin, "do you suppose that I would allow you two slips of girls to prowl around that old house alone, on a night like this?" "Miss Nevin," Grace's voice rose in its earnestness, "we must get that money to-night, even if I have to go back there alone.

Many delightful sketches and water-colour drawings ornamented the walls and a delicate pastel study of Dovelands Cottage hung above the famous clock on the mantelpiece. Paul crossed and examined this picture closely. "Who is living in Dovelands Cottage now, Flamby?" he asked. "I believe Nevin told me that it had been sold." Flamby turned aside to take up a box of cigarettes.

He shook hands with his pretty hostess, put on his cap and set off for the offices of Messrs. Nevin & Nevin. The offices of Messrs. Nevin & Nevin were of that dusty, gloomy and obsolete fashion which inspires such confidence in the would-be litigant.

Nevin, you know 'As it was in the Beginning'? So does Ti Boileau." Mr. Cleever has tasted as much praise, public and private, as one man may safely swallow; but it seemed to me that the outspoken admiration in The Infant's eyes and the little stir in the little company came home to him very nearly indeed. "Won't you take the sofa?" said The Infant.

Fate, who always does her work handsomely, sent up the same staircase within the same hour The Infant, fresh from Upper Burma, and he and Boileau looking out of my window saw walking in the street one Nevin, late in a Goorkha regiment which had been through the Black Mountain Expedition.

The suite ends with the most poetic scene of all, "At Home," which makes a tone poem of Richard Hovey's word-picture of a June night in Washington. In addition to the works catalogued, Nevin has written a pantomime for piano and orchestra to the libretto of that virtuoso in English, Vance Thompson; it was called "Lady Floriane's Dream," and was given in New York in 1898.