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Yet not these excellent and zealous counsellors proved right, but the Vicar and I. For had I gone to London, as they urged, instead of abiding where I was, agreeably to the Vicar's argument and my own inclination, it is a great question whether the plague would not have proved too strong for Betty Nasroth, and her prediction gone to lie with me in a death-pit.

As for the Vicar, he stroked his nose and glanced at me with an eye which spoke so plainly of Betty Nasroth that I fell to laughing heartily. Thus, being in great danger of self-exaltation, I took the best medicine that I could although by no means with intention in waiting on my lord Quinton, who was then residing at the Manor.

Now, inasmuch as none lived within the limits named by Betty Nasroth, save on the one side sundry humble labourers, whose progeny could expect no such fate, and on the other my Lord and Lady Quinton, who were wedded but a month before my birthday, the prophecy was fully as pointed as it had any need to be, and caused to my parents no small questionings.

For it seems to me that there, if at any place in the world, the prophecy which Betty Nasroth spoke concerning you " "You shall know all in good time, sir," I cried impatiently. "Should find its fulfilment," ended the Vicar placidly. "Are we not finished with that folly yet?" asked my mother. "Simon must tell us that," smiled the Vicar. "In good time, in good time," I cried again.

However, the date, good or bad, was none of my doing, nor indeed, folks whispered, much of my parents' either, seeing that destiny overruled the affair, and Betty Nasroth, the wise woman, announced its imminence more than a year beforehand.

Whatsoever may await a man on his way through the world, he can hardly begin life better than by keeping his faith with a lady. She was a strange old woman, this Betty Nasroth, and would likely enough have fared badly in the time of the King's father. Now there was bigger game than witches afoot, and nothing worse befell her than the scowls of her neighbours and the frightened mockery of children.

"Why, yes, it seems fated that you should always be there, Simon, yet Betty Nasroth said nothing of it." "It may be well for you that I'm here," I answered hotly; for her scorn stirred me to say what I should have left unsaid. I do not know how she would have answered, for at the moment we heard a shout from the watchman who stood looking over the sea.

"Come, I'll tell you; it's too soon for bed and too late to go abroad. Jonah, bring us some wine, and if it be good, you shall be forgiven for admitting Master Tate." Jonah went off and presently returned with a bottle, which we drank, while I, with the candour I had promised, told my friend of Betty Nasroth and her prophecy.

Had Betty Nasroth dealt with it, the case would doubtless have been altered, and he would have followed its fortune with a zest as keen as that he had bestowed on my earlier unhappy passion.

It was but a step farther to discern for me a most notable career, wherein the prophecy of Betty Nasroth should find fulfilment and prove the link that bound together a chain of strange fortune and high achievement. Thus our evening wore away and with it my vexation.