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I confess to be entirely absorbed in these fried potatoes." "Words, words, Mr. Romayne, vocabulary, adjectives," replied Nora. "Ah," said Romayne, "but why should one worry about words, especially adjectives, when one has such divine realities as these to deal with?" "Have some muffles, Mr. Romayne," said Nora. "Muffles? Now what may muffles be?" "Muffles are a cross between muffins and waffles."

Your bed is not very soft, but it is in your power to sanctify it, and then it will be better than the down which muffles those who disdain or neglect to invoke the Divine protection." Gilbert knelt down and received the old man's blessing, who, wishing him a good night, withdrew into his own apartment and closed the door.

And what if Fruen herself had seen me from the window! I resolved now to be cold and indifferent as ice henceforward all the days of my life. Ragnhild is properly in clover. The thick stair carpet muffles every step; she can run upstairs whenever she pleases and slip down again in a moment without a sound. "I can't make it out about Fruen," says Ragnhild.

Say, Missus" and he turned to his wife, who had just come in, the youngest child in her arms. She weighed twice as much as Muffles one of those shapeless women with a kindly, Alderney face, and hair never in place, who lets everything go from collar to waist-line. "Say, Missus, didn't de Sheriff say dat was a perfec' likeness?" And he handed it to her.

Joe, having safely disposed of the muffles, gave himself up to unrestrained laughter, throwing back his head, slapping his knees and repeating at intervals, "Self-starter, by gar!" So infectious was his laughter that the whole company joined in. "Cut it out, boys," said Nora. "You are all talking rot, you know; and what about you," she added, turning swiftly upon her sister.