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With iron bones, these men would be similarly influenced, and they wouldn't notice the acceleration so much." Morey grinned. "I'll be willing to bet they don't use cells in their prisons, here! Just magnetize the floor, and the poor guy could never get away!" Arcot nodded. "Of course, the bones must be pure iron; their bones evidently don't retain any of the magnetism when they leave the field."

Perhaps, however, the villain had some feeling of humanity in his vile heart, for seeing the terrified face of the girl Morey, he suggested that she should go below until the natives had returned to the shore.

"I'd like to know how they make tubes that'll stand that, Morey," said Arcot, pointing to an instrument that read .01 millisols. "They have tubes now, that would have wiped us out in minutes, seconds before this." The triple-ray snapped off. They were realigning it to hit the ship now, correcting for the shield.

He stared thoughtfully at the control that would make the ship perfectly transparent, perfectly invisible. "I wonder if it would?" said Morey grasping Arcot's idea. "What do you say we try it?" Arcot turned the little switch and where there had been the ship, it was no more it was gone! Fuller stirred uneasily in his bed, tightly strapped as he was. The effects of the drug were wearing off.

They shot forward with an acceleration that was astonishing to the men in the spaceship. In perfect formation, they darted toward the lone, shining ship from far-off Earth! The four earthmen watched the fleet of alien ships roar through the air toward them. "Now how shall we signal them?" asked Morey, also trying to be nonchalant, and failing as badly as Arcot had.

More recently he had been known as the father of the world's greatest physicist. Arcot junior was probably one of the most brilliant men the world had ever seen, and he was aided in all his work by two men who could help him in a way that amplified his powers a thousand fold. His father and his best friend, Morey, were the complimentary and balancing minds to his great intelligence.

"I suppose the Interplanetary Patrol men will have something to say, so they better be called in. Likewise the Venerian Council. Morey, maybe your dad can handle some of this." As one they arose and set to work on their respective tasks the planning and building of the Earth-Venus war fleet.

We'll be cooled by conduction and convection." As the others got the suits ready, he lowered the ship gently to the snowy ground. It sank into nearly ten feet of snow. He turned on the powerful searchlight, and swept it around the ship. Under the warm beams, the frozen gasses evaporated, and in a few moments he had cleared the area around the ship. Morey and the others came back with their suits.

"We will not fight," muttered Morey happily as he saw Arcot shift in his seat. Arcot picked the moleculars. They reached out, touched the heavy relux of the fort, and it exploded into opalescence that was hazily white, the colors shifted so quickly. A screen sprang into being, and the ray was chopped off. The screen was a mass of darting flames as energies of stupendous magnitude clashed.

Arcot was collecting the necessary spare parts and apparatus. Morey was gathering a small library and equipping a chemistry laboratory. Fuller was to get together the necessary standard equipment for the ship tables, seats, bunks, and other furniture.