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I want to get warm before I go to Putnam's." Hi put on his muffler, mits and cap each with a favorite "swear word," such as "ding it," "dum it," "darn it." Nevertheless he wisely concluded to take the half dollar from him and save it for the spring crop of circuses. Anna started to leave the room, but Sanderson's peremptory "Stay here, I've got to talk to you," detained her.

She was much wrinkled, yet her cheeks were rather pink and her lips very vivid. Janice wondered if it was possible that this color was put on by hand. The woman sat in a rocking chair with her long hands folded idly in her lap. On the hands were white "half mits" something Janice knew were long out of fashion but which were once considered very stylish indeed.

Miss Moodle and her mits, self and lemon kids, even the sleepless eye of Barker, watching for an indiscretion, upon the strength of which he might defensibly send somebody to bed the next Saturday afternoon, all vanished from before me, swallowed up in a mild glory, which contained but two objects, an angel with low neck and short sleeves, and an insensate hippopotamus of a piano, which did not wriggle all over with ecstasy when her white fingers tickled him.

She again pleaded for the sweater, and as I could not grant her request I handed her back the skin; but she bade me keep it. They gave George a piece of deer-skin dressed without the hair, "to line a pair of mits," they said. As they stood about during the last few minutes of our stay, the chief's arm was thrown across his little daughter's shoulders as she leaned confidingly against him.

"Come over and sit by me, dear, while the gentlemen rest." Miss Clendenning picked up her white silk mits and fan lying beside the candles, and moved toward the fireplace.

It took a whole month's wages to purchase a pair of stays and two months wages to buy a gown. A pair of silk mits cost 5s. 6d. and a lawn handkerchief 6s. 6d. Calico was charged as high as 6s. a yard and cotton wool at 6s. 6d per lb. As a rule everything that had to be purchased out of a store was dear, while the prices of country produce were exactly the reverse.

"No," Josiah Allen continued, "there hain't no sense in that but mit! there you have sense. All wimmen wear mits; they love 'em. She most probable had a good pair, and lost one on 'em, and then give the other to the church.

First the felt boots and felt slippers made by Jaeger and then summer wind clothes and fur mits nothing could be better than these articles. They are excellent in quality. At first I thought they seemed small, but a stiffness due to cold and dryness misled me a little stretching and all was well. They are very good indeed. I have an idea to use putties to secure our wind trousers to the finnesko.