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"Your kindness I can't express my gratitude " she began tremulously. "Nonsense! This is a business transaction, and I am coming out of it very well. I should not get a man to do the work for that absurdly small sum. I am underpaying you on purpose because I hate women." Olive laughed. "Commend me to misogynists henceforth."

She, woman-weak, yields to the temptation of all the gauds and baubles that go with his name, and marries him. Indeed, few young men at the university ever have as valid an excuse for becoming broken-hearted misogynists as the half-back. He would he faithful, of course, though she was not.

Meanwhile the same young mothers were going to lectures on the Angevins, or reading Goethe or Dante in the evenings a few friends together, gathering at each other's houses; then were discussing politics and social reform; and generally doing their best unconsciously to silence the croakers and misogynists who maintained that when all the girl babies in the perambulators were grown up, and Oxford was flooded with womenkind like all other towns, Oxford would have gone to "Death and damnation."

Unless I am mistaken, Miss Penny had just been across to Dublin to take a degree which Cambridge ungallantly declined to confer upon her." "Quite right!" said Miss Penny. "M.A. They're misogynists at Cambridge." "Will you oblige me by informing Miss Penny, Mr. Graeme, that this meeting is purely accidental? I caught a spark in her eye and I know what it means.

He must be frightfully bored at finding you here established on his very threshold, so to speak! Confirmed misogynists should never indulge in the rescuing stunt it's so liable to involve them in unexpected consequences. How does he bear up under the discovery?" "Not at all well," acknowledged Ann ruefully.

He would not have been surprised to learn that one effect of that equality as between men and women had been to revolutionize women's attitude on the whole question of dress so completely that the most bilious of misogynists if indeed any were left would no longer be able to accuse them of being more absorbed in that interest than are men."

Now a man in such a case inclines to give the obnoxious parties a chance of showing themselves generous and delicate; he would reveal the whole situation to them, and indicate the generous and manly course; but your thorough woman cannot do this. It is physically as well as morally impossible to her. Misogynists say it is too wise, and not cunning enough.

"This lid of a tea kettle is all that's left for me to do the cooking in." The Gannet, manned by seven famine-stricken misogynists, reached London six days later, the skipper obstinately refusing to put in at an intermediate port to replenish his stock of hardware.

Lynn Linton, marched in a place of honour; and a small squadron of confirmed misogynists, recruited from the Athenaeum, the Travellers' and the Senior United Service Clubs, who professed themselves to be completely Mash-proof, were in charge of the ambulance.

What a calm unruffled life could be enjoyed within thy hallowed precincts, even by those cynics, those haters of humanity, those disgusted reconstructors of society, those misanthropes and misogynists old and young, who are continually writing whining verses in odd corners of the newspapers!"