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The general rose, grasping his glass as if he would shiver it, and while the parfait overflowed on to the plates, he cried in a hoarse voice, as if he were at the head of his division: "I love bronze I love bronze ...." There was a crowd at the Mirlitons Exposition. A file of waiting carriages lined the kerbstone the whole length of Place Vendôme.

I should like to commemorate the portrait of a lady of a certain age and of an equally certain interest of appearance a lady in black, with black hair, a black hat and a vast feather, which was displayed at that entertaining little annual exhibition of the "Mirlitons," in the Place Vendôme.

It would be tiresome to count the novels, poems, songs, that were dedicated to her, the portraits of her, painted or sculptured, that appeared at the Mirlitons or the Palais de l'Industrie. I don't say that she has never had her fancies, her experiences; but she has consistently scoffed at marriage.

It would be useful to retake the good way. But a little while ago you spoke so edifyingly!" Instead of giving reply, my good master began to sing, with rather a strong voice: "Pour mettre en gout le roi Louison On a pris quinze mirlitons Landerinette Qui tous le balai ont roll Landeriri." "If you want to sing, my son," said the vicar, "you'd better sing a fine Burgundian Christmas carol.

"I needn't ask you, M. Swann, whether a man so much in the movement as yourself has been to the Mirlitons, to see the portrait by Machard that the whole of Paris is running after. Well, and what do you think of it? Whose camp are you in, those who bless or those who curse?

"Well, if those reports have not informed you of my arrest in the heart of the Exposition des Mirlitons, on Wednesday, they have told you nothing! "Arrested! you?" "By the agents of Monsieur Jouvenet, your Prefect of Police, to gratify your mistress, Mademoiselle Kayser!" "Ah! my dear Guy!" said the minister, whose cheek became flushed in spots. "I should be glad if you "

At table she chattered brightly about an exhibition of pictures in the Cercle des Mirlitons, which she wanted to see with him that afternoon, asked him about the work he had done to-day, and if he had given a thought to her now and then between his crusty old books, and altogether gave evidence of such childlike and implicit confidence in his love and faith, such utter absence of suspicion as to possible rocks ahead, that that which he had it in his mind to do seemed almost like a stab in the dark.

I breakfast at the Club, take a turn in the Bois, and drop in at the Mirlitons to see the opening. You see that I should be entitled to very little merit in sacrificing to you a perfectly wasted day." "Is the present Exposition of the Mirlitons well spoken of?" asked Marianne, indifferently. "Very. It is a collection of things that are to be sold for the benefit of a deceased artist.